Discussion: Church Trump Claims To Attend Says He's 'Not An Active Member'

If 72 year-olds voted with the participation of 27 year-olds, Trump would be covered a lot less.

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His first action as president?

Heā€™ll probably have to remove the top two-thirds of the monument for it to be authentic, though.


You know, McCain might have made it a race if his answer to ā€œhow many houses do you own?ā€ was ā€œa buttloadā€.


Child pornographer comes in at 89, but Iā€™m not going to get discouraged. We passed ā€œan Ebola infected yappy dogā€ to take the 97 spot, so the trend is positive.


Two blocks from my High School.

My friendā€™s father was a pastor on campus when you were there ā€“ was once on TV stamping out little fires from a war protest. Maybe your fires, hmmmmm?

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Itā€™s a snack, right?

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Can you imagine what would happen if Trump claimed that he actually went to a mosque?

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What Trump really meant to say is that he goes to that church to scope out the land it is on so he can build another Trump tower.


" . . . What a loser!"

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Trump is obviously a very secular guy. He worships fame,and fortune and nothing else. I doubt the so called ā€œreligious rightā€ really cares because they mostly just use religion to advance their political agenda which is much more important to them.


Paul Sunday: What church do you belong to?
Daniel Plainview: I, umā€¦ I enjoy all faiths. I donā€™t belong to one church in particular. Iā€¦ I like them all. I like everything. Where are you from?

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I have family connections to Marble Collegiate. His parents were members and Trump went to church from time to time, but never actually became a member. They define ā€œmemberā€ specifically; it doesnā€™t mean ā€œattended the church sometimesā€. Thereā€™s no ā€œactiveā€ member, you either joined the church or you didnā€™t, and he didnā€™t.

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Yes, Is there anything about this bombast that is true and not a fraud that the righties lap up?

Addicted to the lies and distortion across the board

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Matthew 19:24
Matthew 6:1-21

There. How hard was that?

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Well obviously Donald stopped attending because he had determined that the church leadership was ā€œweak and not very talentedā€ and the congregants were all ā€œlosersā€.

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If 27 year-olds voted at the rate 72 year-oldā€™s do in every election, Trump would also be covered a lot less.


If 27 year-olds voted at the rate 72 year-oldā€™s do in every election, Trump would also be covered a lot less.

Both of you are spot on.,

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I donā€™t know why I was shocked, but yesterday he went off on Hillary and then on Uma Abedin and then after Anthony Weiner. It was such a vile diatribe. I thought I couldnā€™t be shocked at anything he says or does, but that was unbelievable.

I still believe that there are far more people out there, republicans and independents who are not totally crazy and will never vote for him. To anyone with a modicum of brains will never vote for this ridiculous spectacle of a man



Trump is smarter then Palin,but not by much. Donā€™t tell him I said that. We will never hear the end of it.

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