Discussion for article #235960
Let’s not forget, Chuck made a movie…
These guys are in full Red Dawn fantasy mode. Except the call is coming from inside the house! [Shriek!!!]
Seriously, why the hell would the rest of the USA want to pay for the upkeep of that shithole?
geez chuck! are you really this fucking stupid? or do you make too much money spouting inanities?
…trying desperately to be relevant.
“We must never check our brains…”
Yes, well…I think I can see where problem lies. Your brain is long overdue for scheduled maintenance.
“”"“Concerned Texans and Americans are in no way calling into question our brave and courageous men and women in uniform,” Norris wrote. “They are merely following orders. What’s under question are those who are pulling the strings at the top of Jade Helm 15 back in Washington”""
The folks “pulling the strings” on Jade Helm are all Military brass…soldiers and the like. It’s a joint Op that goes up to the Joint Chiefs Of Staff for top command. All of those guys are Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines. That’s who’s “pulling the strings”. They don’t merit the ‘courageous and brave’ considerations?
And how long to they get away pretending they don’t know what the “hostile” thing is about?
On edit: Military personal are prohibited from obeying an illegal order. If you are ordered to attack any part of America you must disobey and report. Brave soldiers do not comply.
Serious question: why are there no more moderate conservatives in this country? Why is it that all of these guys: Chuck Norris, Ted Nugent, Alan Dershowitz, Victoria Jackson, etc. go completely crazy? Is it really just that no Republicans are giving them the (brief) John McCain treatment of just saying “No, ma’am, Barack Obama is a decent man. We just disagree on the issues”?
How do you have a conversation about important issues and policies when the other side is living in a completely made up fantasy world?
What can you expect from the brave and courageous American fighting men and women but that when they are asked to occupy American soil and corral their fellow citizens into concentration camps, they respond: “We were only following orders.”
This is part of the movie where the robot’s head starts smoking and sparks fly out when he realizes he must act on two mutually exclusive operating principles. kaboom.
I thought conservatives supported our troops?
Fucking idiot who got his head kicked too many times.
Now, he is just an AM Radio Clown.
Bingo! Leave it to cowardly Norris to spit on the integrity of servicemen everywhere while pretending to be a “proud American”.
I love how these crazies want more war but refuse to allow the armed services to run training exercises. Duh!
Texas is already a part of the USA. How do you “take over” something you already own?? And if they’re referring to some sort of martial law where guns get taken away, well, we still live under the Constitution; their hyperventilating about Obama the monarch not withstanding.
Walker: Texas Nutjob
Because the Republicans detest that the president is black. Vehemently, to their core. And of course the media does all it can to give those who spew hate all the soapboxes that they can. Especially every Sunday morning.
And the dumbing down of America is complete. With this exercise, Texas just went Full Retard (and they should know, never go Full Retard). Of course you cannot placate the conspiracy theorists with logical explanations. They just get confused and think that they’re being played while they post their right wing drivel and fill what few braincells they possess with Alex Jones anti-government propaganda. I really think the solution is to pull all the military bases out of Texas and let them fend for themselves.
I said this before, and I’ll say it again: Chuck Norris has two speeds, dumb and dumber.