Discussion for article #245593
Ouch. In the General, Hillary needs to take this ad and run with it. She owes Chris a big bearhug!
“Not a fair question”
If Santorum runs again in 4 years time (perish the thought), I hope somebody will dig this one out…
Santorum lost it in endorsing Rubio. What has Rubio accomplished? Nothing! But Christie is also wrong. He’s the failed governor of New Jersey who is never in his state.
“Out of context?” That ad has Santorum’s fumble 100 percent IN context! I still can’t believe that doofus went on national TV to announce an endorsement without preparing for the most obvious question he’d be asked: “Why?”
Cruz: I shut the govt down, ran as the house as a Speaker but what has Rubio done?
Rubio: Santorum is ignoring my leadership in getting the Immigration bill passed in senate. I also showed tremendous leadership when I denounced the same bill and can no longer support it.
Marco Rubio: Empty suit, empty high heels.
Yes, we need to fear him because he’s been on such a roll.
Rick Sand Scrotum proves that without proper preparation…
Okay, I just can’t go there this early in the morning.
These boots are made for photos
For the impression that they make
Everyday these boots help show
That he’s a total fake.
Is Santorum ever going to get a real job?
Each time either of these two opens his foul piehole, the only demonstrably truthful thing Santorum ever said becomes crystal clear:
(BTW: I do love the ad. ~snicker!~ )
Why is expensive editorial space wasted on these 2 losers? Santorum and Christie are both ancient history, like 2 little kids calling each other names.
From the homefolks:
“Christie blasted Rubio for support an immigration reform that gave
undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship, then flipping. “What
happened when the heat got turned up?..He ran and hid.” The problem is
that Christie did precisely the same thing. He favored a path to citizenship, the heat got turned up, and he flipped.He cited the recovery from Superstorm Sandy as evidence of his
effectiveness. This, of course, is something that only works when he is
hundreds of miles away from New Jersey, where thousands of people are
still not back in their homes, and thousands more want to strangle him over the long delays.”
Which candidate will Christie endorse when he drops out after his shellacking in New Hampshire? Also, it’s so much fun to watch these guys go after each other, and not their Democratic opponent, President Obama.
He should have said Rubio can bring republicans together. Dems wouldn’t take Rubio on a bet.
I will! Christie doesn’t wait for the lube application before he gets to work