Discussion: Christie Steers Clear Of Blame Game In Wake Of NYC Cop Killings

Discussion for article #231444

Portraits of Courage: The Christie Years


CC only “gets into” an issue if he thinks it helps his presidential fantasies.

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The chicken-shit blowhard mama’s boy thug who thinks he can be President by not answering questions.

Goddamn, you New Jersey Democrats who gave this bully credibility, what the hell were you thinking?


Professional courtesy between Dunkin Donut devotees.

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Let me get this straight - Governor Kramden doesn’t think people should try to “score political points” over two cops that were killed last week, but he will try to “score political points” over a cop killed 40 years ago.


Oh, so NOW the throw-his-weight-around tough guy “straight-talker” with an opinion on everything decides to clam up? Pussy. His cowardice is duly noted and earns him an Enabler Merit Badge.

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There’s no right move here, and you all know it. What’s he going to do? Say it’s deBlasio’s fault and get himself accused of trying to score political points over the cops’ corpses? Say it’s only the shooter’s fault, and again get accused of trying to score political points? Hell, he’s saying he won’t get into it, and he’s being accused of trying to score political points.

I’ll cheerfully admit I can’t stand the guy, but at some point, the ‘anything you do is wrong’ routine gets old.


Here’s what Christie is getting into and eagerly. He’s pressing the Obama administration to return an American woman who was granted political asylum in Cuba after killing a NJ state trooper and escaping from a NJ prison.

Love your comments, but I’ve had to live with Christie for the last 5 years, so I am NOT going to click on this . Can’t, Won’t , Never, Ever. NoNoNoNoNo!!!

The reason I think Christie is the GOP’s best chance to win the White House in 2016 is that, unlike all the other contenders in his party, he is occasionally capable of saying something that’s actually well-considered and not obviously crafted by a handler-- for example, his low-key statement here that scoring points off these deaths is disturbing and that some concern for the cops’ families is more important.

You can criticize Christie for a lot of things, but this is a surprisingly decent position for a Republican.

Not it’s not. Not even close. It’s Grade A enabler talk and precisely what they do once they see that they’ve stirred up enough racist outrage and white-fright hissy-fitting that they can make a surreptitious exit (while the MSM holds the door and plays lookout) and pretend they had nothing to do with inciting and encouraging it.


or he is just stacking up a bunch of campaign commercials for his fanasty run at the WH.
CC doesn’t care about anything but himself. period. He will push anyone, and I mean anyone, into the path of a incoming train if he thought he could move up just 1 spot in the self importance ladder.
He’s proved it over and over again since he learned to walk and eat donuts.

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I get what you’re saying, believe me I do. Although New Jersey is a nominally democratic state and hasn’t voted republican in a presidential election in a quarter century and hasn’t elected a republican to the senate in almost 40 years, democratic politicians are not popular in NJ. The last democratic nj politician that had any enthusiastic support was bill bradley, and he wore out his welcome after his first 2 terms.

Also, the democratic machines have an awful history and a terrible reputation. All of this came to a head by 2009, as well as the buyer’s remorse factor in nj governor’s elections—after a r wins white house, a d usually wins nj gov-after a d wins white house, a r usually wins nj gov.

So Christie snuck into office benefited by a perfect storm. Don’t like it, didn’t vote for him, but I’m not surprised that it happened.

I hear you. There’s nothing to like about him except he knows on how to jump on the bandwagon.

But ask hm about pig farming and he will be all over that issue like, um, shit on a pig.

Who cares what he, Giuliani, Pataki, or any other GOPer thinks. He couldn’t thread together a cogent remark like others, if his life depended on it or, or doesn’t want to and knows even he should keep his big mouth to himself…

The guy with the class, is de Blassio, he’s the one handling the resentful police union (no more stop and frisk) along with Bratton who admitted not everyone likes him either.

Two cops were murdered, chalk that up to one deranged guy with a gun sad beyond measure but, there are still uncounted abuses occurring nationwide under the color of authority.

That Bush’s WH eventually funneled war machine surplus down to even Barney Fife level constabularies, leaves us as a country with mil-spec versus community.

Reckoning, and as the pundits call it ‘teaching moments’ is coming due, and Brown, Garner on balance with cops who are killed in the line of duty, is a weighted scale, thumb on the cop side of the equation.

So sure, have the conversation, hopefully folly will not continue to prevail.

As long as we are talking about families who are grieving over this
What about the family of the woman who was shot,( she is not even referred to by name, only as ‘the ex girlfriend’) and yes, also what about Brimsley’s family?

the many women who have suffered violence at the hands of an ex (he entered her apartment with a key he had stolen and shot her) recognize that violence towards women also figures into this tragedy…not just toward police officers.
i think, in the spirit of the season Christie drapes over this occasion, it would be good to acknowledge the losses and sorrow of those families as well.

With all the hate and race baiting that the likes of Fox news, Hannity, Limbaugh has been pumping out for these many years. The pressure has been building it had to eventually explode. Now with the N R A flooding the country with automatic weapons, this is no surprise and is just the beginning. I think I will get me one of them automatic hand guns with a built in calculator.

Good for him. Don’t really care what his reason is either.