That’s a crime right?
This is not an Onion article, just so you know.
Is Chris Christie dumb or is he stupid?
Yes, you have it on record that at least one Republican thinks that Jeff is criminally stupid.
Now, where does that put the rest of the gang in the WH?
There’s another word that rhymes with stupidity that also was a likely reason that Sessions lied to Congress…
I guess Christie has a particular personal insight into the behaviour of bad, stupid liars, so we should heed his expertise.
stupid is as stupid is.
As I recall, Franken hadn’t asked Sessions a direct question on Russia -his lie was an unforced error. But really, the number of contacts a Presidential campaign should have with an enemy power is close to zero, definitely not over a hundred.
By the way, I wonder if Christie thinks Trump is bad, stupid, or both…though I think it’s fairly obvious.
The Sessions perjury charges are the bellwether for me. Until they materialize, this is not over. If they never happen at all, well then we just handed every defendant facing charges for lying the “Sessions Defense.” “Hey, if a former senator and current attorney general can “misremember” ( he said that, at some point, right?), well then how my client be expected to…???”
Christie is on a get even tour. Stick that knife in and twist.
NAL but as I understand it it can be illegal to talk to Kislyak about sanctions if it’s in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy. I get the impression that Christie was trying to distract us from that fact for no particular reason because he’s something of a stupid manipulative liar himself.
Maybe Sessions just forgot that he wasn’t a sitting senator when he chose to lie. Easy mistake really.
Sessions Lied To Congress About Russian Contacts Out Of Stupidity
Rudy, is that you in a fat suit?
Sessions, Christie said, wasn’t “bright enough to be in the position where he is.”
“So just stupid, but not bad?” Wallace asked.
“I don’t think he’s a bad person,” Christie replied.
I just heard his interview on NPR and it’s very odd - he keeps saying Trump surrounded himself with bad people - but he doesn’t fault Trump for choosing these idiots. He is ok with bad mouthing Kushner and Bannon but he doesn’t want to admit that Trump is worse than both of those people put together. He just doesn’t think there is anyway the Trumps were in contact with Russia. I mean what rock has he been hiding under the past 2 years?
those poor people have had to take vows of silence ever since we passed through the looking glass
Gosh, I always thought Sessions lied to congress because he wanted to be AG and protect racist frightened white folk from all the scary colored folk. But if, instead, he was lying out of stupidity I guess the lies are okay.
may it haunt John Roberts to his deathbed
Wallace pressed again: “So you think he lied about conversations with [Former Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergey] Kislyak out of stupidity?”
“Yeah, I do, absolutely,” Christie said.
Re: Christie
This guy thinks he has a future in politics.
Yeah, and I could win the lottery.