Discussion for article #245022
Watch Rubio be the first to demand that the President send in FEMA after the next hurricane hits Florida…
For once, I agree with Christie.
“And that shows a real immaturity from Senator Rubio to be joking as families were freezing in the cold, losing power, and some of them losing their loved ones.”
Anybody actually qualified to be the GOP nominee would have fit at least one 9/11 in there somewhere.
At what point does Christie’s “that’s the difference between a governor who must get things done and a senator who just argues about things” routine become hackneyed pandering to even the most ignorant ears?
For once I, too, find myself in agreement with Christie. Rubio can memorize lines and read his ALEC generated scripted answers, but if you give him a follow up question, his eyes glaze over. He is a shallow, empty-headed whisp, about as substantial as a pimple on a mosquito’s ass. As the real Rubio starts to becomes obviously oblivious, his run for the nomination will die like a Ford Pinto when it reached 50,000 miles.
Marco Rubio will never make it in comedy.
When what you are doing is orating and voting on laws you hare quite insulated from the results of your actions. Governor Snyder said many things that sounded okay but he is totally incompetent as a governor.
What a Senator does by setting the political climate and by the results of his voting is quite as important but it is a lot harder to trace the consequences of those actions back to him. The failure to hold Cruz responsible for the money he cost the United States is a case in point.
As if Chris Christie gave a rat’s ass about any of the people affected by this storm. He’s only back in NJ because the Mayor or NY shamed him into it… Sit down and shut up Governor.
“Well, that’s a difference between a United States senator who has never been responsible for anything and a governor who is responsible for everything that goes on in your state. Fourteen people died across the country,” Christie said.
Except that a couple of days earlier Christie had no plans to go home to NJ to govern anything. How quickly he forgets. Let’s face it, the only reason Christie went home was for a much needed photo-op for his candidacy.
You know it. Once the results of climate change become undeniable in Florida (even to cretins like the Rube), he’ll be running to the Feds like a fly to excrement. I assume he’ll pull something like that other sh*tbag Gov. Scott, who wants Federal funding for health care but NOT Obamacare. You know, some other “care.”
Rubio should come back and tell Christie to lighten up
“Responsible for everything that goes on in your state”? Ya mean, like vengeance bridge closings ‘n’ shit?
This sort of thing is high on the list of stupid politician tricks. Somebody makes a joke or facetious or simply lighthearted remark and the opponent prissily presents it as insensitive and wrong. The ultimate are those Trump commercials that show Obama and Clinton laughing and then intones about woooo ISIS is scary and bad how come these people are laughing when there’s ISIS???!!??! woo. The whole thing is just ridiculous and some bright shining day we’ll talk seriously about the issues. I’ll be long dead though. : (
le died across the country," Christie said. “And that shows a real immaturity from Senator Rubio to be joking as families were freezing in the cold, losing power, and some of them losing their loved ones.”
Does he realize rescue vehicles were prevented from getting to people in need due to the closing of the bridge?
The fact that Christie is a total self-serving dirt-bag who is feigning faux indignation - but that does not negate the incredible smarminess of Rubio … no doubt Rubio tells hysterical inappropriate jokes … and with the right audience, will say just about anything.
Christie’s comment is right on the mark. Of course, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
How would Rubio know what is/was going on in Washington? He is never there. At least to do his job for which he is still getting paid. How does that work? You get elected to do a job then campaign for money to be elected to do another job but not the one you are elected to do. Especially a job you stand a chance of a snowball in hell of getting elected to. Grifter.
Little Marco needs to grow up.
Too late, Christie. You have zero chance at the nomination, and if you’re the VP candidate, you will cost your party New Jersey.
Sounds like Christie and Rubio are having a snowball duel.