Discussion for article #243114
Wow, nice dodge there Governor. Way to stick up for your residents.
“It was a pretty emotional time for me because, as I’ve mentioned before, there’s family involved, there were, you know, friends involved and so it was a pretty harrowing time,” he said, according to NJ Advance Media. “I do not remember that, and so it’s not something that was part of my recollection. I think if it had happened, I would remember it, but, you know, there could be things I forget, too.”
Governor Chris Christie-A Profile in Courage.
OTOH, “I don’t recall” should serve him very well on the witness stand as Bridgegate progresses.
Tiptoeing around the demagoguery continues.
in Trump’s mind, we’re not living in Idiocracy. He’s auditioning to be the chief of Team America World Police. Here we come to save the motherfuckin’ day.
Weasel answer. I don’t remember, but if it becomes useful for me to remember I’ll remember and use it to it’s fullest.
Notice how he can’t just dismiss Donald completely? How he has to cater to the Islamophobia? How he can’t be portrayed as sticking up for his Muslim residents?
Yep, even in this case Christie does not want to upset bigots, the GOP base. So it comes out as “I could not recall” as opposed to a flat out put down which is what was deserved of Trump.
“I don’t recall”
Getting in practice for the trial?
And why didn’t Trump bring this up in the last 14 years? Just askin if you know what I mean.
That’s because he is in bed with him over their mutual casino interests in Atlantic City.
We’ve seen the same from the start. That is, Trump utters something outrageous (that’s all he utters) and the other idiots never directly condemn the guy for the very comments and ideas. No-criticism criticism, no-rejection rejection, no-distance distance, that’s the best they do.
Some of the bottom of the poll guys might try and even with them I think they just know saying something about Trump might get them a little needed airtime.
If people are hoping that Donald will pickup his MARBLES and go home, WELL…you can FORGET-ABOUT-IT, Donald LOST his MARBLEDS and he ain’t going anywhere, anytime soon.
The easiest way to refute Trump’s outrageous lie is to point out that at the time the Trade Center was under attack we did not know who the terrorists were much less their nationality or religion. So this is definitely a pants on fire statement.
Christie is such an amateur. During April 2007 Senate testimony about his role in the purge of U.S. attorneys, Alberto Gonzales set the gold standard when he explained that “I don’t recall remembering.”
It’s a damned shame no one wants to talk about the Arabs in Detroit rampaging through maternity wards on 9/11 and dumping preemie babies onto the floor and stealing the incubators to sell for anthrax spores on the black market. Someone needs to remind Trump that happened, I’m sure he’d regale the next rally once prodded to do so.
Can you offer any links to this story in the media?
Perhaps Trump was with executives of Lockhead Martin, General Dynamics, Boeing, or Raytheon in New Jersey that day. The cheering and high fives among the defense contractors could be understood.
One of Christie’s finest moments here as well. Not a fan of his, but this is a thing of beauty, and to his credit he said this publicly in direct contradiction to a lot of Tea Party nuts who voted for him. He as not catering to his “base” by any means.