Discussion: Christie Not Bothered By McHale's Gibes About Weight, Bridge Scandal

Discussion for article #222363

C’mon! Even if Christie was PO’d he couldn’t say it. He would look like a sore loser.


Yeah, bullshit. Everyone knows Christ Christie is a thin skinned ratfuck, vindictive, and hates being the butt of any jokes…especially when he’s made to look like the corrupt politician that he is. He may think he can blow this off too like he tries to do for everything else. My suggestion…go home to NJ and indulge in some comfort food and see how well it blows over for you…


You are right - although I really wish we just didn’t indulge in jokes about physical appearance (weight, appearing “feminine,” etc) There is so much to criticize/satirize about Christie’s policies and behavior, that we don’t need to go there with weight references.

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Oh spare me…have you seen any Chris Christie photos from his high school and college days? Its not like the man was born fat. He did it to himself. He’s only 51. He is a gluttonous politician in every sense of the word. Its not a metabolism problem and he wasn’t born that way, it’s laziness. He couldn’t be bothered to exercise and eat right, so he went ahead and had lap band surgery as a shortcut to better health. No doubt the taxpayers of NJ paid for that too somehow…I have no pity on him as a fat man. If drawing attention to his weight gets his ire up and similarly draws attention to his over-indulgent habit towards the way he governs, so be it.


“Christie Not Bothered By McHale’s Gibes[sic] About Weight”

Well, that’s awfully big of him…


I had never heard of Joel McHale before last night and I won’t gout of my way to see him again. Not because of the Christie jokes. He stunk.

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We’re going to be seeing less of Christie in coming months as his potential big money donors are having doubts about a 2016 candidacy, but the bad news is they’re turning towards Jeb.

That’s actually really funny. How come it didn’t seem that funny when he read it? Maybe that’s why – because he seemed to be READING all his jokes. All in the timing they say…


Chris’s race for a chance to run for President was OVER before it ever started and he has only himself to blame.
From the time he opened his chops and told the first person he/she was stupid or to shut-up was his demise. BrideGate was the cherry a top
the dish he served up for himself. Mr. Glutton, thinks he can ONCE again get away with his big mouth. AIN’T going to happen BIG GUY.


LOL! And all this time I took you for a bore.

I have thought of the fact that Christie didn’t always have a weight problem - so you have a point. I still prefer to stay away from comments about an individual’s appearance, though.

Good humor transcends politics?

Yeah, the weight jokes gotta be getting a little thin by now, badda boom.

There are many things that weigh heavier on Christie’s mind but he’d rather stick with the fat jokes thank you.

The camera makes everyone look 150 lbs. heavier, Obama is really a twig.

Bridgegate is just the cover-up for Christie’s real scandal, food gate.

Christie has been in much hotter water, fortunately they took him out and threw in the real Dog.

I’m not saying that Christiegate is the biggest scandal ever, I’m saying that they had to super-size the gate just for him to get in this deep.


Here you go!

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Hah. Badda boom, badda bing.

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Almost as good as a silly fat joke, which reminds me, do you know what’s worse than a fat joke? A short, bald, fat joke.


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Christie is what we call a target rich environment.

I dunno, I thought the McHale material went too far…particularly the ‘glutton’ line…cruel, easily imitated in a world with too, too many fatties.
I luv me some Joel and The Soup, tho E makes me gag usually, and on that show he levens his acid with an occasional self-effacing spritz that might have given his WHCA routine more happy, less squeamish.

Christie’s OK with it? Mighty big of him.