Discussion for article #235732
No introversion here.
If only the press would stop covering the fact that he is an incompetent corrupt sleaze, and a bully he would be the GOP front runner today.
Ah, yes the media. That explains it. It couldn’t be because you’re a shameless, egotistical ball of narcissistic corruption, bent on destroying the American way of life.
The media should lay off. I do not want to be deprived of the spectacle of at least 20 lame, disingenuous, bought and paid for clowns up on the “debate” stage. Furda move his honor has the capacity to anchor the entire ensemble and prevent it from being blown away should a hurricane strike.
No Governor the electorate aren’t stupid,that’s what causing your downfall and your actions.
Weasels ripped my flesh. There I was. Carving my way through a wall of human flesh, dragging my
canoe behind me (with h/t to F. Zappa and WC Fields.)
Honey, do these jeans make my ass look fat?
No, your fat ass makes your ass look fat.
He’s not wrong. If only those meddling reporters hadn’t TOLD everybody about the crappy things he’d done or said, his numbers wouldn’t have dropped.
It’s not like we can expect him to NOT do those things.
I didn’t do it. It is not my fault.
/s - Same stupid excuses I get from my 3 yr old grand kid. I don’t let her get away with whining, why should we let Christie get away with it?
When you are that big, that is NOT a question you ask your spouse. I should know!
There’s always hope! Keep hope alive!
What!?! You expect him to realize that if he didn’t operate a political machine which engaged in petty political retribution, he’d be a Presidential contender today?
And just what caused that negative media?
You would think that someone as charming and endearing as Governor Christie would be able to woo the public, despite negative press.
“If you’re going to have…”
…complete indifference to the operation of one of the country’s most important national assets…
…it’s going to affect your poll numbers.
More from the “party of personal responsibility.”
Once again he can’t quite master the difference between cause and effect.
This would be like blaming your tailor for making you look fat.
It’s not the fact that I’m a vindictive, abusive jackass with no moral compass whatsoever that caused me to tank in the polls, it’s those damned media creatures reporting on my vindictive abuses of power. Yeah, that’s it.
Somebody run down to Costco* Sam’s and buy that man a giant block of cheese to go with his whine.
*Don’t go to Costco. It’s run by commies who think you can run a business without treating your employees like shit.