Discussion: Christie Keeps Criticizing Cruz's Vote Against Sandy Aid: 'The Past Is Prologue'


The 2020 campaign has started.


It is a nice distraction to see Republicans eat each other.


Trump: I think Christie is right that Ted is a bad bad person. But thats because Ted’s father killed JFK!!


Ain’t it just? :laughing:


Well, I guess it, would be better to have CC in the WH pissing out, instead of outside pissing in …

I despise Christie, but in this instance, he is correct.


Mark it down. In the coming months and years Houston is going to suffer great trouble getting sufficient help and funds from the Federal government for storm relief. All of the current lofty promises of standing with the city and the region will be consumed by the typical political backbiting, finger pointing and arguing over what to do, and when, and how much to spend doing it. Bottom line everyone standing in 3 feet of water right now is somehow getting the shaft once the flooding subsides and shoveling mud commences.


popcorn for breakfast? If you insist!


In the matter of Blowhard #1 v. Blowhard #2, the court is now in session.


Agree to both parts.


As a Houston resident (spared damage, fortunately), I think it’s absolutely appropriate to call out Cruz on his reprehensible conduct after Sandy. Calling it out shouldn’t extend to mimicking it and delaying an aid package, though.


In that war of attrition, Christie has a decisive advantage.


The NJ Republican party has thrown Chris Christie under the bus. They’re now using his relationship with Democratic State Senate leader, Steve Sweeney running for re-election in South Jersey to harm Sweeney, hoping Democrats won’t vote for him because of his work with Christie. The TV and radio campaign against Sweeney and his buddy Christie has been massive!

Had Christie been Trump’s VP choice the Republicans in NJ would have voted for him. Since he’s out, they’ll use him as an albatross around Sweeney’s neck. In other words Christie’s not completely worthless to NJ State Republicans - you can still use him as a bad example.


I don’t wanna see Chris Christie eating anything.

Give me a fucking break…I watched that interview with Chris Hayes last night. Christie is a disgusting political opportunist. That will never change with him. He also managed to make the rounds this morning on the cable newsy gab circuit, especially on shows that tell the truth about tRump, which turns out are not there to flatter the man.

“What was wrong was for Ted Cruz to exploit the disaster for political gain, and that’s what he was doing,” the governor responded.

Since he’s no stranger to exploiting disaster or in fact creating one for political gain…he can stuff it. He then went on to be a complete apologist, no…he was there to do boosterism for Donald J. Trump in each of those interviews to be more accurate. It was no fucking accident that he got booked on three or four shows in two days all of a sudden. Also, if anyone’s trying to exploit a disaster for political gain, his “friend of 15 years”, as he keeps telling us, has also been doing the same. Something tells me they go back farther than that, and that 15 year cutoff is somehow significant, but I digress…

Fuck Christopher Christie. He’s always putting himself up on that cross. He’s still a waterboy for tRump and Co., or a gopher… Make no mistake about it.

Btw, what’s he polling in NJ now, 10%?


So again the GOP Senators are exposed as ruthless and hypocritical enemies of America.


Christie said Tuesday evening that New Jersey’s congressional delegation would vote for aid for Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, and that “it would be wrong” for congressional leaders or the White House to ask for cuts to offset the cost of the aid package.

Since when has “wrong” ever stopped Republican’ts???

Cruz, whose home state has been battered by Hurricane Harvey, repeated his original criticism of the Sandy relief package on Monday, saying “it’s not right for politicians to exploit a disaster and people who are hurting to pay for their own political wish list.”

HA! Talk about projection! That didn’t stop GOPosaurs from using Hurricane Katrina disaster relief to privatize the New Orleans schools or to permanently drive out the poor and turn the city over to real estate vultures…


I think you may well be right, but I think the abandonment you are predicting is marginally less likely to happen if the Democrats retake the House. Beyond all the economic and moral reasons for continuing massive aid, there is the cold political calculation that Houston (and much of Harris County) and south Texas are strongly Democratic. I only hope the Democrats take the initiative and propose a massive reconstruction bill and improvements in the federal flood insurance law, so the Republicans must react to them, rather than the other way around.


I’ve done much listening to various insurance and infrastructure experts, along with reading what many have to say. A loose consensus is forming that the total damages and economic losses due to this storm may top 100 billion dollars. It’ll take a helluva lot of political cajoling, blackmail and finesse to summon that level of money if the goal is to return the region to some semblance of normalcy. Personally I doubt in the current atmopsphere, with our current President, it is possible.