Discussion: Christie: I Wouldn't Even Let 5-Year-Old Syrian Orphans Into The Country

Discussion for article #242910

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“…I don’t think orphans under five should be admitted into the United States at this point. They have no family here. How are we going to care for these folks?” Christie replied.

***Republican Jesus agrees.***

<img src="/uploads/default/6781/b38a4d7927ba761d.png" width="500" height="375">

Bobby Jindal doubles down on Chris Christie: “I wouldn’t even let Syrian fetuses into this country! Or Syrian frozen embryos!”


I just can’t tell anymore where the pandering ends and the genuine pants-wetting begins.


The fact is, that we need for appropriate vetting and I don’t think orphans under five should be admitted into the United States at this point. They have no family here. How are we going to care for these folks?" Christie replied. “We need to put the safety and security of the American people first.”

That’s likely a lie, but its ‘germ’ couched on the idea that even babies are suicide bombers.

I ‘wonder’ if a reporter will call him on that….prolly not


did you search between the lines?

the real Republican worry is that they’ll gin up birth certificates that shows them being born in Hawaii and 30 years from now they’ll become President and complete the Caliphate takeover and impose Sharia Law after they take away everyone’s guns…

who says Republicans have no vision of the future?


We don’t have reporters anymore. We have stenographers and cheerleaders. Every damned event is binary, only to be interpreted from vantage point “A” or “B”. Pro or con. Yes or no. Left or right. Right or wrong. Any degree of consideration outside of either extreme is too shaded for the public to digest or think about clearly. Either you’re correct, or I am. There’s never a third, fourth or fifth person even in the room.


The one thing I respected Christie for was a time long ago, when as gov, he pushed back against critics upset with him appointing a judge with a Muslim name. But with this racist pandering - I´m assuming it´s pandering - I´ve lost even that smidgen of respect.


Christie is a monster.


(1) what a bed-wetter, afraid of a 5-year-old; (2) he doesn’t get ANY say over immigration policy and once someone has been allowed in the USA by the Fed government, he doesn’t get to decide where they live.

Chris Christie: My career has been reduced to substance free posturing to stupid fearful people.


Charlie Pierce uses the nickname " Big Chicken" for Christie, It was a reference to his girth and eating habits…now we can add another definition to that sobriquet.


Same here. It’s almost ironic that he’s negated his one moment of decency.

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¨Vision¨ is way too positive; it´s a hallucination.

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GOP primary contestants have to appeal to the motivated base of voters turning out in the early stages of the race. Xenophobes, homophobes, misogynists, anti-intellectuals, Christianists, racists, gun nuts, home schoolers. Pretty much the same people they need in the general, along with maybe another 10% of the populace not falling into any of those categories. You know, idiotic or demented Democrats that fumble around and somehow pull the wrong lever in the voting booth.


It is not pandering. It is blatant racism. And the media should call him out for it but won’t simply because he is a GOPer. Another case where the media’s failure to confront racism amounts to a tacit approval. Just as they have done with Trump’s blatant racism re: the President which they have all dutifully ignored.


I had the same thought. Compassion for law school buddy addict and his three little girls. No room at the inn for anyone else.
Try paying attention on Sundays, Christie.


What risk does the media run operating like this when the racist behavior they enable is shared by most of the populace?

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My Bible must have a misprint. Because it has Christ saying,“Suffer the little children to come to me…” and not " Let the little children suffer".

Hypocritical assholes.


Well, I think it´s pandering, but really, what difference does it make? He´s appealing to racists, and whether he believes it or not, in this environment especially, it´s disgusting and cruel.