Discussion: Christie Disagrees With How Trump Handled ‘Indefensible’ Leaked Tape

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Better jump ship and close the connection to New York again, Chrispie Creme.


Christie is really hateful, but he is a smart guy with some real political instincts. He’s the only person in Trump’s inner circle who is of the cut of an old time Republican. I bet he really is disgusted by Trump.
@imkmu3 Christie generally seems to have a good take on matters. He hitched onto the Trump train because his NJ and Presidential future are dead. Calculated gamble. He’s better than Giuliani, who is only other actual politician in Trump’s inner circle. Low bar, I agree.


Christie, “God damn it Trump, you didn’t lie convincingly enough!”


He also said he considered withdrawing his support for Trump, but decided to continue to support him “at this time.”


Ah, the exhortation to fully admit what you did wrong, because that’s always the best policy. Acknowledge it and take your lumps! Don’t shuffle and dodge! Come clean! So says Governor Straight Shooter!

For the eleventy-dozenth time, all you can do is shake your head.


Real political instincts? He hitched his wagon to Trump; does that speak of a man with good political instincts? If Christie is disgusted it’s only because too much of Trump’s past has come out and he’s having regrets that he backed a losing horse.


“I would have done it much differently, but I do think he’s sorry and I do think he’s embarrassed by it,” Christie said.

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As he ended the interview, he felt the sharp, sudden pull of the collar around his neck, and he quickly remembered his place.

“Coming, Mr. Trump, sir.”


“…find out who leaked it, then block every bridge in their home town.”


Sorry, OT—but MARS BITCHES!!!
The Obama/Bush Mars Mission is on track!!!
Exact quote was “Make it so”.

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Couple of things. Trump said at his rally (paraphrasing) that he gave Pence permission to say his comments were bad and that Pence called him to ask. Because he is just that petty.

I imagine similar was done here. I’ve seen the nickname Reek being used more and more often for Christie.


He’s still voting for Trump. (And thinks you should too.)

The rest? Words, words, words.

“It is completely indefensible and I won’t defend it and haven’t defended it" -
Chris Christie
“Oh, I refuse to speak of disgusting things because they disgust me.”
- Mrs. Bates, “Psycho”

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It’s hard to straddle a fence for 72 hours when you weigh so much.


Yeah, I am kinda with you on this one. Factor in that Christie has known Trump personally for years. Its an unbelievable claim to naivete to think he wasn’t aware of what sort of person Trump was or that it wouldn’t come out on the campaign trail.

He sold out to Trump because he had literally no where else to go. He had a very good idea of how the Bridgegate trials were going to pan out, and that he may very well be facing impeachment if not criminal indictment before its all over. His future in republican politics is over, and clinging to a slender hope of a Trump win and then a cabinet post and/or pardon were his only hope.


I applaud your enthusiasm, but the vague and ephemeral so called manned Mars mission plans are little more tissue paper thin reasons to keep pumping billions of dollars into certain States and congressional districts. There is no plan, no hardware, and the SLS is a multi tens of billions of dollar boondoggle–aka the Rocket to Nowhere. An op-ed by President Obama in no way puts the mission “back on track.” This is coming for someone who watches almost every rocket launch and follows space tech and international space exploration obsessively.


And WTH is a supposed sports show with Boomer Esiason doing giving Christie a soapbox to stand on in the first place? So when do they invite a Clinton speaker on their show? (crickets chirping)
And how does WFAN let them get away with this sort of free Trump airtime?

Actually I tend to agree with you. Still…:smile:
As I understand it, the problem of radiation shielding is virtually insurmountable, and that’s just for starters.
If the EM drive actually works, that would be a game changer.

Real political instincts, are not necessarily good political instincts. I thought christies response was more thoughtful than the others that are still sticking with trump… More thoughtful than many that are dumping trump.

He, himself is a hateful bully. But a broken clock tells the right time two times a day.

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