Discussion: Christie Denies Reports That He Was Stopped By TSA For Evading Security

The plane is laughing —


I want that to be true, but I keep thinking of Nixon in 1962. Where’s the wooden stake when we need it?


Barbs … don’t forget the barbs —

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The next bit of news about him will likely concern his reckless driving, now that has lost his chauffeur. He had multiple moving traffic violations before the Governorship, including driving the wrong way on a one way and mowing down a motorcyclist. Before long he’ll run over a former constituent.


The term pilots use for people like Christie is “SLF” - self loading freight.

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Chris Christie still has a bridge to sell you.
Only slightly damaged.


TSA could only field 8 starters to conduct the body search? The 3rd baseman was running late.

Ok not apropos. Transitive. I didn’t know this about BIll Murray or John Belushi, but the statements he makes here could be taken out of context and applied to Christie who is a gluttonous pig who will not be missed in NJ or in politics in general. At least by me.

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If any innocent person showed up at the wrong door, and was re-directed, their story would have credibility. But Christie, the official hamburger fetcher for Trump, has always exhibited a sense of extreme entitlement. So extreme that if Christie showed up at the door normal people use to get into the airport it would be big news. Chris, there is a circular four-lane road that runs by all three terminals. Any door facing that road is OK. Pretty hard to miss.


He doesn’t have a lot of options until he moves. He knows this, which is why he was casting about so desperately with the Trump campaign for an appointment.

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Christie Denies Reports That He Was Stopped By TSA For Evading Security

Nobody cares, Chris.

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Ah, more “fake news.” Thanks for clearing that up, Chris; now, just go away. Nobody likes you and your momma dresses you funny.

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I see that over and over in PA too.
But I thought it was because he’s still in charge of the ‘fight against the opioid crisis’ commission or whatever it’s called?
It makes me scream every time … addiction is a disease, there’s help … YES, true, and even treated that way if you are WASPy enough …

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LOL – So Christie’s story is that he doesn’t know how to find the public entrance to an airport on his own, and his security guy doesn’t either?

I wasn’t trying to get in the VIP entrance, I’m just really, really dumb. So is Larry. We’re just a couple of dumbfucks, I swear.

OK, well, thanks for clearing that up.

Enjoy your life of failure, disgrace, and ridicule.

He gets one State Trooper for 6 months, that’s it.

I have formally stopped caring about Chris Christie unless and until he’s indicted, which I do not expect to happen.

I’m now calling on media figures to stop caring too by giving him a false sense of importance with coverage of his ongoing bad and buffoonish behavior.

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With a strong push, he could top 50% approval among the memory impaired.

Well, that means he’s dishonest…and a tub of lard! Questions…?

Runnin for prez in 2020 are ya slick?
Got the prez tweety thing going already. lol

Fat lying fuck is just a civilian now. That’s gotta hurt.