Discussion: Chris Wallace To Trump: When Will You Start Acting More Presidential?

That’s fucking great. The Fox Potemkin Press is now scripting the political “reality” show’s star. Which reality show? “Race For The Presidency 2016,” that’s the one!

All of these people falling in line behind a man who is obviously unqualified to be president and even dangerous…


So true

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Acting presidential is for losers. Obviously that’s true at least in Republican primaries.


Acting like a responsible leader gets you tossed out of the KKKlown KKKar.

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“Do you think you need to tone it down, do you think, as you become the frontrunner for the nomination, to act more presidential?” Wallace asked Trump on “Fox News Sunday.”

… proving without a shred of doubt that the MSM, particularly Fox, just Does. Not. Get. It.!!!


It’s not in bullies’ DNA.

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Chris Wallace acts like he does ( this ) and then wonders why the Clinton campaign won’t answer his phone calls —

Give me a fucking break ! —

It will NEVER happen…it isn’t in his DNA…has to hit people that is who he is…

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The question for Trump isn’t when will you start acting presidential – it’s are you capable of it?

And the answer is a resounding NO.

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When he is not being a bigot or a bully.

“Do you think you need to tone it down, do you think, as you become the frontrunner for the nomination, to act more presidential?” Wallace asked Trump on “Fox News Sunday.”

Trump to Wallace: "Yes, and you will know it when my handlers tell me that I don’t have to pay attention to the folks in Hooterville anymore. That’s when I tell my media staff to draw up a plan for the General.

You will also know it when you never hear from me again."

When “Losers” Win?

Do you think you need to tone it down, to ask more presidential questions, Chris? This is supposed to be about policy, not the personality of the rich and famous.

So in other words, he admits to being a bald face liar about everything, to try and get votes. It seems to be working well for him with Republicans. It will be a disaster for him with the rest of the entire country.

And we arent going to let him get away with trying pulling a Romney again, where suddenly this guy that never existed before, shows up for the General election. America didnt fall for it last time and sure wont fall for Trump’s obvious cravenness this time.

He doesn’t have to act more Presidential because winning, duh! Seriously, Trump acting more “Presidential” will be a sign that his campaign is doomed. His fans love the idea that he doesn’t act like a conventional Presidential candidate.

Fox is now in full-on campaign-for-Rubio mode. Roger Ailes has to save his party, so it’s hatchet job on Trump and Rubio-as-second-coming until one or the other wins.

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Chris Wallace and his ilk would be better placed asking the question if they had been doing a better job as journalists then just maybe a man like Trump would not even be in the running for the Republican nomination. Perhaps the question should be Chris, when are you going to start acting like a real journalist?


How about never? Is never good for you?


A: When you start acting like a journalist


Trumpley admits to being unpresidential.

Following his breakout win over the backs of Senator Marco Rubio, Gov. Nikki Haley, Rep. Harold Watson “Trey” Gowdy III and Special Election Senator Tim Scott, The Incredible Mr. Trumpley has revealed he will begin acting presidential soon. Just as soon as he dumps the republican party into the dust bin for good. He seemed to say that he is fucking invincible by bidding Ex-Florida Gov. John Ellis “Jebya” Bush adieu along with Jebya’s mother and his decider brother. The apparent message was little do we know what is in store for us as a nation by destroying the country to make it great again. And it will be Youuuuge!

This will likely be seen as a brilliant Machiavellian strategy selling hope and change by nuking them.