Discussion for article #228400
Ohbummer IS A ruthLESS crybabY muSLIm frOM Kenya WHo is DesTroYing aMErica FroM withIN bY ENcOURaging ISIS, INfecting US with EBOLA from borderCROSSing TerrORists WHO’ve STUFF HANDFULLS of EboLA in theIR praYEr rUGs and ALSO CHEAP heaLTHcare!!!11!!one!!1!!!
Well, of course, it’s all about Saul Alinsky.
Seems like Barry hit a nerve. They really should thank him. At least now they have something else to talk about today instead of the 5.9% Unemployment rate!
Chris Wallace, though he’s a conservative, is the closest thing to a real journalist that Fox will ever own. He’s occasionally willing and able to whack other conservatives when the b.s. meter pegs, and that’s why I have a small kernel of respect for him…at the moment.
ETA: For those here who feel that no conservative should ever be respected at any time, I respect your opinion too. It’s just that I assiduously avoid absolutist thinking. I have a very short list of those who I feel are reprehensible to the point of being beyond respect for any aspect of their lives, and their names are Dick Cheney (okay, there are other serial killers and rapists that would make the list too). But absolutist thinking, aka extremism, IMHO is the root of many evils. The only good [fill in the blank] is a dead [fill in the blank] mentality, the my god is the only true god argument, etc. etc. I’m not absolving Mike Wallace for being mean to the frail and tender Jon Stewart (snark), or any other reprehensible thing that he may have ever said or done. But I will give a crumb reward when he appears human once in a while. And if that makes me a bad/stupid/crazy liberal, I’m good with that.
I’m sure his leash will get yanked soon enough.
I find it hilarious that conservatives complain about Alinsky with numbing regularity—yet use his techniques without batting an eye.
The cognitive dissonance is truly mind-boggling.
Megyn Kelly and Shepard Smith are in this category too I’d say
The same Saul Alinsky the Tea Party idiots were looking to before he became their boogieman.
Megyn Kelly lost any credibility as a “journalist” a year ago when she asserted that Santa/Jesus were white, and Shep Smith lost when he said the President wouldn’t be able to build a strong coalition against IS. They’ve gone into the “blind squirrel finding a nut/broken clock” crowd.
I understand why you might feel that way. I tend to think that Kelly and Smith are merely talking heads that sometimes appeal to reason, outside the normal conservative main. But I wouldn’t call either of them a journalist. Shepard Smith says some incredibly stupid things sometimes, his comments regarding the death of Robin Williams being foremost in my mind. And Megyn has only lately been considered to have scruples, mainly because of her obvious disdain for Dick Cheney in her recent interview. At this point, I will add the disclaimer that I do not watch Fox, but I have seen plenty of clips and soundbites here and elsewhere to form my opinion.
That idiotic conversation typifies “3boobs on the ground”, as Bill Maher aptly describes that moronic show of Kinkead and Doocy sandwiching Hassebeck.
Despite fallen deep into that ugly black-hole called fox - Wallace is still his father’s son when that mind sparks up.
A bit OT, but did TPM miss Scalia’s latest verbal diarrhea outbreak, or do they just not give a shit?
How can anyone let this fucker continue on the bench when he so clearly flouts The Constitution?
And Sahil, do your goddamned job and report this.
Hey, Bri-Bri and Stevie: you want to know what “punching down” really feels like? Gimme 5 minutes in a locked room and I’ll be happy to show you.
Watch the interview of Jon Stewart on Wallace’s show, and I think you’ll find it hard to ever respect Chris Wallace again.
Megyn gets points for coming out of character long enough to attempt explaining white privilege for Bill O’Reilly. I can still count “number of things she did right” on one hand, but that’s infinitely more than most of the other Fox hosts.
We’re talking about Fox News hosts. The relativity here should be a given, frankly.
small kernel of respect for him…at the moment.
There is the key to my comment. I stand behind it 100%. Re-read the rest as well.
Either Chris Wallace has grown a set or this is yet another cynical and calculated Fox News ploy to portray themselves as “fair and balanced.” Methinks it is the latter…