Discussion for article #224453
He was always respectful, except when he took pictures of a woman suffering from Alzheimer’s, with the intent of smearing a political opponent. Limbauciles sure have strange definitions, like what they think a “Fine Christian” is
Didn’t McDaniel deny knowing him when he was first arrested?
I’m sure knowing he’s the cause of all this makes his wiener feel a little bigger.
Commandment #6
A “pillar of the community” doesn’t help break into a nursing home to photograph a woman with dementia for political purposes—or any other purposes.
While I’m sure that Mayfield loved his mother, his behavior was execrable and likely going to result in jail time—something else that a “pillar of the community” would not let himself in for.
A “fine Christian” who supposedly just committed a mortal sin.
hashtag: ThingsThatMake YouGoHmmmmmmm.
“Fine Christians” participate in breaking into rest homes to take photos of invalids suffering from dementia?
Perhaps amongst the ShiiteBaptist Christians, but definitely not amongst the Mainline Denominations.
Some “Fine Christians” think it’s a sin to commit suicide. Just sayin’
I could make a joke about how Mississippi “dodged a bullet” by not electing McDaniel in this primary election. but that would be in bad taste.
Good catch.
“…fine Christian man…”
Except when he wasn’t. Where have I heard that phrase before? Hmm…let me think…
If McDaniel is in mourning, does that mean he will wear a black sheet and hood instead of white?
The KKK also claim to be “fine Christian men”
They’re all “fine Christian men” – especially when they’re dead. In fact, McDaniel himself is undoubtedly called a “fine Christian man” publically even by those who hate him privately. The phrase means nothing.
Sorry, but no “fine Christian” would support a man who wants to starve the poor and keep poor people from accessing healthcare so that he can cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires. A “fine Christian” would never support candidates who want to eliminate food stamps, SS, Medicare, Medicaid, and programs that help the “least of these”. A “fine Christian” lives his life in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ. This man seems to have lived his life doing (or at least supporting) that which is completely opposite of the way Jesus lived his life and the beliefs for which Jesus was most passionate.
It’s time for the real Christians to stand up. These people aren’t Christians. What they’re practicing isn’t Christianity. They’re merely using Christianity to justify hate, to justify policies that are antithetical to Christ’s teachings. We ought not continue to let them get away with it.
Yep, let’s not forget that the KKK is ultimately a “Christian” organization.
Plucky, you must not be familiar with the Church of the Hash Tag Jesus.
Dear Fine Christian Man,
“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.”
a) Imagine the deceased’s shock when he finds out what the bible says about suicide…
b) Imagine his family’s shock when they find out what his life insurance policy says about suicide.
Interesting article in the Jackson Clarion-Ledger. Seems as if Mayfield was losing all of his big “establishment” clients. Did he honestly think the banks he represented would want a Bagger associated with a nursing home break-in representing them?