Discussion: Chris Matthews Asks Black SNL Star Who 'Funniest Black Guy' Is (VIDEO)

“Let me ask you this, Chris. Who is the funniest old white has-been?”


Can somebody check the expiritation date printed on Chris Matthews? I’m pretty sure it’s sometime in 1998.


Matthews is such an old school bigot. He means well, he thinks he’s being honest, and constantly says things that are, at best, racially insensitive/sexist. He loves nothing better than the sound of his own voice, and really needs to be let go.


“Who da punniest tat — punniest puddy tat?”
— Chris “Tweety” Matthews

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don’t go away mad tweety Mathews …just go away…ahhh hell go away mad like we care


I watched most of this, and the whole thing was cringe-worthy. The SNL guys couldn’t believe what he was saying. I also got the sense that his producers let him have it during the break, too, because when they came back he was stone faced.

Matthews has always been one to blurt out random sexist/bigoted comments, but it does seem he’s getting worse these days. It’s past time for him to retire.


This is what happens when a non-funny person (who thinks he’s funny) tries to be funny. The result is usually NOT funny.


Can Andrea Mitchell go with him? Please?


One of many reasons I don’t watch “TWETTY”.

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Yeah…he gets especially bad when he tries to foray into popular culture.

The other night he was trying to put “those young’uns” in their place and asked one where the phrase “Jump the Shark” originated. And then blew it by saying “Laverne and Shirley”…until his producer corrected him in his ear. After that, he just couldn’t move beyond that it was on "Happy Days’, totally ignoring everything else the others were saying…which, you know, was actually about the convention.


“You know what, I’m going to say Cosby so nobody gets mad at you,” Che replied. “Now that’ll be the headline.”

So much awesomeness in that answer.


Really. As others have said, I wish I could ‘like’ it more. Remember when news/public affairs round table shows regularly had this level of wit? To have such a memory you’d likely be too old to remember it…(but, for good or for ill, I do). Sad when media types can’t exit gracefully. I think this is his last campaign contractually…

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It is a lot worse in the video than when written. Totally unnecessary to throw race into that question…

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Hmm…tough question.

Would you say the Milwaukee county sheriff, Alan West, or other?

I am sure Matthews doesn’t think he is a racist, but I am equally sure he is.


Now we have to import it from the BBC.

Our domestic TV wits have been infected by nits.


Because he’s Phil Griffin’s idea of a liberal ?


That’s pretty much spot on. It was the primary runup to the 2000 elections where I started feeling embarrassed about things Matthews said. He went really easy on Bush. I thought the two had a bromance going on, or something.

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He moved.

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