Discussion: Chris Hayes Spars With Omarosa Over Whether Birtherism Is 'Real Issue' (VIDEO)

“I think it’s important to move on from that and focus on issues that Americans are most interested in.”

I’mverysure I’m not interested in what Trumpski is selling.


And Hayes wasted good airwaves on AwfulRosa’ debating ‘birtherism’ … because??? Just accept that she, like all the lying Trump screeching banshees, is a money grubbing, soulless blight and move on.

BTW: Great evaluation of the Trumpanzee’ Army by the Liberal Redneck this week:


“Please don’t bring up the fact that we kept this going for years, we want people to forget about it now that Trump is trying to be serious.”

Man, say what you want about Romney, but he never went this far into Etch-A-Sketch land.


I saw this . She is a raving lunatic.


Omarosa fails to realize that her candidate, Donald Trump’s followers still believe the President wasn’t born in the US! I bet if a poll was taken on this question among his supporters, it would result in about 97% of them agree with Trumps 5 yr lying claim!


BOMBSHELL: On debate night, WaPo breaks story of potential Trump tax evasion.

The Washington Post’s David Fahrenthold has been doing yeoman’s work researching and reporting on Donald Trump’s charitable foundation and his personal finances, uncovering what Trump is trying to conceal by refusing to release his tax returns. The latest: Trump may have directed payments to his foundation in an act of possible tax evasion.

According to Fahrenthold’s sources, Trump has directed approximately $2.3 million worth of payments he was owed personally to the foundation. The problem for Trump is that he is still required to pay taxes on that income.



A normal candidate would have found a way to beat back this idea that.he loves conspiracy theories.#2016

She is a nut case! Birtherism is a legitimate issue. DJT tried to humiliate the first Black President of the United States. He can’t just say “oh, never mind, I want to get on with my campaign.”


God bless Farenthold—he just keeps unraveling that sweater. Down you go, Trumpie!



I am sick to death of everyone giving this vile woman a platform. The way to handle her and the other Trump liars and imbeciles is simply not give them air time. In fact, stop giving Trump air time!


Cable media is ruining this country.


Fox News at the head of the list.

Public education underfunded, charter schools, home-schooling in those places where religion is the most important subject.

Not enough jobs for undereducated white men, who keep voting for republicans and wonder why there are no jobs.

Old white people who remember an America that never existed.

Yes, the media, who feel it’s not their job to educate. Because $$$$$$$$$


If he’s still not going to release his tax returns, I can only shudder at what else might be in there.

Certainly seems like his lawyers and tax advisors are not the best people. Or they are the best people…only wrt Russian tax law. Or they are the best people, they just work for someone who’s not.


Possible exchange:

HRC: “A foundation is supposed to help real people, not be a tax-shelter”

Holt: Are you accusing Mr. Trump of doing something illegal?"

HRC: “Well, Lester, some very good reporters are looking into this, and you won’t believe what they’re finding.”


I love all the suggestions about possible questions.

I’d be shocked if all the questions, all the scenarios, and all the bullshit haven’t been covered.

She’s got this.


So I guess that means his first act as President (if elected) would be to abolish the IRS.

He’ll have too…if he wants to stay out of jail.


How different is she from Boris Epshtyn or Katrina Pierson or AJ Delgado or former CIA Director James Woolsey? They all go on to these shows, get asked a question and go into deflect and say the real issues the 900 lb gorilla in the room are Clinton Foundation, or the exhaustively investigated HRC email non-scandal. I dont see the point of inviting them anymore at this point. I would actually prefer they interview journalists or professors who have some basis for their opinions and conclusions. This giving of equal time and equal stature to the TP crazies is what killed CNN.


None of the Trumpsters are going to talk about BirtherGate. Obviously, it’s an embarrasing, scandalous, racist tactic that Trump capitalized on for 5 years. He never apologized for it and never will. To them it’s now a dead issue and they expect everyone else to accept that. Chris got a healthy dose of sprouting American fascism today.


Not that it matters, because Trump spokespeople are held to a different standard than Clinton’s people. But you can’t, on the one hand say that the email scandal is relevant because it goes to the candidate’s judgement and then say that bitherism is no longer relevant. Doggedly pursuing bitherism is absolutely says a lot about the character and the judgement of a candidate.

There are a number of technical reasons why the private mail server made sense and could possibly be justified. There is no case to be made for birtherism. None.