Discussion: Chris Hayes Defends MSNBC: There Was No 'Grand Conspiracy' Against Palestinian Contributor

Discussion for article #225421

Thank you for not apologizing. Rula was right.


Why the tweet from Glenn Greenwald? That’s almost as bad as a tweet for caribou barbie…


So Msnbc sends out Chris. Hayes to defend Andrea Mitchel and tell us what a great journalist she is???
Amazing what a six figure salary will do to a person


Pick your punchy headline:

Hayes proves Jebreal correct.

News execs have very thin skins.

Truth less important than feelings on tv.


I have to admit that Mitchell was better yesterday. She actually asked some tough questions of the Israeli (or was it the American government) representative and interviewed at length someone taking the Palestinian point of view. It was really one of her better performances.

Apparently Jebreal’s call out got her attention.


It may be seven figures. Those talking heads pull down a lot of cash. Chris can’t fool us with his bicycling-to-work routine. That cat is RICH!

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Hayes completely demolished her.

Maybe if Rula didn’t phrase every point in THE MOST EXTREME ABSOLUTIST LANGUAGE EVER, she wouldn’t have had to spend the entire segment backtracking and begging Hayes to let her change the subject.

“I haven’t see ONE Palestinian interviewed on TV.” Come on. You don’t help your cause when you set yourself up like that.


I’ve seen and heard much from both sides, and coverage is pretty fair. That being said he is also right in that hamas isnt really available for interviews…They are too busy launching rockets at civilian targets with no warnings at all.

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He had one throwaway line about her in a lengthy segment, and it was about how they weren’t going to talk about her.

This woman sounds like a moron. Media coverage is “biased” because the public doesn’t see things your way? Here’s another possibility: The public is well informed, has thought about it, and doesn’t agree with you. But, please, tell us some more about your conspiracy theories about how AIPAC and Sheldon Adelson are controlling the media.


See, look at this exchange:

“I think our network, this time around, and I think the media more generally — and now I’m talking about the New York Times and other places — have been doing a much better job in this conflict. I think the image that most Americans are seeing from this conflict, by and large, are images of the destruction in Gaza,” Hayes said. “I think that’s been the defining feature of this. And in fact, there’s all these people talking about how the Israelis are losing the media war for the first time.”

Jebreal didn’t buy that argument.

“Listen, if that’s true then you have to explain to me why the public opinion is 99 percent pro-Israeli,” Jebreal said. She also pointed to a study showing that CNN had far more Israeli officials than Palestinians in its coverage of the 2012 Gaza conflict.[quote=“system11111, post:1, topic:7345, full:true”]
Discussion for article #225421

Hayes acknowledges that there has been media bias, but makes a statement about coverage over the past couple of weeks.

Jebreal responds by 1) changing the subject to public opinion (as if public opinion about Israel is determined over the past two weeks), and 2) refuting a point about 2014 coverage by citing a study from 2012.

If you see that segment as Jebreal’s awesome win over Chris Hayes, it’s not MSNBC that has a bias problem.


Hayes interviewed the American kid who was beaten by the IDF soldiers at the beginning of this round of fighting. He also interviewed the kid’s mother. It was a really, really good interview. I have to admit the kid is an American, but he sure knows a lot more about the cause of the current fighting than the average Palestinian. His cousin was burned by Israeli extremists in response to the killing of the three Israeli boys. He might be the last person to see the victim before he was kidnapped.

If you watched Hayes’ interview you realized that there is context to this mess and the Israelis aren’t totally innocent and injured.

Both sides should have cooperated to round up the killers. Neither the initial murder nor the reprisal should have been allowed to go unpunished. Right now there are some Palestinian and Israeli murderers walking free.

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She’s lying and for some reason this network feels like they have to treat her with kid gloves. If she really believes what she’s saying, she should be fired because she’s an idiot.


Your last sentence covers more than half the people posting here.

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I believe that the Israelis have apprehended the suspects in the murder of the Palestinian boy and that they are facing charges.

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And their search for the suspects was aggressive and rapid.

Ron, only the Palestinian Authority condemned the kidnappings; Hamas applauded it and then called for an intifada the next day–the intifada has never been mentioned in the media. If there was Israeli bias, how come the intifada is overlooked? Then Israel went after the perpetrators of the revenge killing and found them. Neither Hamas nor the PLO has cooperated in finding the kidnappers.

It still boils down to Israel periodically getting fed up with the daily rockets and the infiltration tunnels. As long as Gazans prefer their government to be run by terrorists, there won’t be an end to the conflict.


The intensity of your condemnation indicates your bias. The media coverage is certainly one-sided and has been since forever.

Israeli government apologists believe that allowing both sides to present their case to the American people, evidenced by air time provided to opposing views, is by definition, anti-Israel.

Good for Rula for speaking truth to power. The images coming from Gaza are grotesque and a searing indictment of the war crimes being committed by Israel and the IDF.


Right, it was Hayes himself, the guy she delivered the “I haven’t seen a single Palestinian interviewed…” line to, who did that interview!

The whole thing feels like Jebreal has been wanting for years to go on TV and talk about pro-Israel bias (and with more than a little just cause), and she just delivered her old speech without regard to the context and specifics.