Chris Collins, Kool-Aid drinker at Jonestown, Guyana, says what?
Indeed, the only thing that could be better for the country is a massive terrorist attack so the country can unite behind Mr. Trump. Maybe next week.
How do these fucks embarrass themselves like this? Here’s a guy who would blow a goat if asked to.
“*On Friday we were in New York City talking about ms-13 (gangs), something that is the scourge of America, he’s taking the fight to the criminal element, dealing with North Korea, dealing with Russia, and now he has solidified the inner circle of the West Wing with John Kelly, Anthony Scaramucci, two great individuals,” he said. “I think it’s all coming together extremely well as we move into tax reform.”
*You, sir, are almost as delusional as your Dear Leader. JHFC! How did this idiot manage to survive to adulthood in upstate New York? It gets desperately cold there in winter. Someone must have been tasked to watch him constantly so he didn’t freeze to death.
There is an old biblical saying ,that has been slightly revised and shortened," Out of the mouths of babes comes wisdom." Using that as a template, it can be said ,"Out of the mouth of fools ( Chris Collins) comes total partisan nonsense. "
There are so many things wrong with this interview, it should be grounds for instant recall, were it possible. But it should be used by his Democratic replacement in the district when the election starts up for 2018.
I notice he didn’t get interviewed by Chris Cuomo, he probably thinks “the girl” will be easier on him. Wrong yet again dude.
Between the Boy Scout thing and the Rough 'em up thing, he’s alienating just about any faction that might have supported him, not to say that the Boy Scouts wre supporting him or the Police, but subsets of those might have. And those police that do, need to be removed from their jobs as they are not fit to preserve and protect. They are, in fact, the ones that kill innocent people because they’re scared of black men because they’re black, who’ve been guzzling the scary black man trope for years and decades and centuries.
See, Trump’s done us a favor, identifying the cops that need to have their badges and guns taken away and retired from the force.
Trump could never have made it without thousands of people like this guy—Chamber of Commerce types in the decades-long habit of lavishing praise on the boss, the chairperson, the honoree, the whomever, 99 percent of the time people who deserved far less praise if the truth were told. You get in the habit of denying reality that way and it gets easier and easier, and finally here we are, with a vulgar, stupid, crooked and insane President being praised in in a way that would turn the stomach of a statue.
> I was at the jamboree, you know, 40,000 Boy Scouts shouting ‘We love Trump, we love Trump.’
I sent yet another email to BSA this morning pointing out that they let this happen and how badly it has compromised their organization. They need to do better than a passive, “Oops, sorry.” Consider sending them your thoughts on the subject just in case they are counting on this just going away. It’s inexcusable.
One more of the pack of self-serving sycophants that make up the Trump team. I guess the Mooch has taught them all how to blow themselves. I have seen pretzels with fewer twists and turns.
“Have you no sense of decency?”
Last week was a ‘great week’ for Trump in the same sense that May 6, 1937 was a great day for the Hindenburg.
Everything is going well. Steiner’s force will attack from the North and unite with the Ninth army.
“President Trump is President Trump. He is the commander-in-chief. He can roll things out however he wants,” Collins said.
I am sure he used this line of reasoning with absolutely everything Obama ever said and did.
Chris Collins has worked as hard in favor of his ideology, and against his constituents, as humanly possible. It’ll be good to see him get his reward in 2018.
Clearly looking into a mirror universe
Everything he said is a word, and I understand what each word means. However, arranged in manner he spoke them they do not make one bit of sense.
By the metric of “didn’t start nuclear war”, sure. Pretty solid week.
I lost faith in the Boy Scouts back in the 80’s when I watched the hierarchy started sweeping all the buggery under the same carpet the Catholic Church was using…