Discussion: Chris Christie Iraq

Discussion for article #236285

I wouldn’t have invaded Iraq knowing what we knew then!



“Christie said that he believed former President George W. Bush did make
“the best decision he could at the time” given the information coming
from the U.S. intelligence community and the situation on the ground in
Iraq.” SHUT!!


Well that was a slow moving question right in the middle of the strike zone. That’s too easy of a question for anyone to mess up. Well, anyone but a Bush…


The problem Republicans like Christie have is that “knowing what we know now…” is the same intelligence that Bush/Cheney/Rice/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz “knew” then. They were briefed by the Clinton team and they even had the PDB indicating that bin Laden would strike. They were running the intelligence community then and they failed…miserably and it cost more than 3,000 lives in the Twin Towers and more than 4,500 soldiers’ lives. In this case, as well as John Ellis Bush…hindsight is not 20/20. For these folks hindsight is totally blind…and they should be called on it.


So Governor Christie, If we knew then what we know now we would have known that we didn’t know enough to start dropping bombs so what would you do to avoid these know now what we didn’t know then type of situations where we are acting with too many known unknowns?


…and knowing that JebbaTheButt got hammered .

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OK, but that was a pretty easy question—most of the country would answer the same way. I won’t believe Christie’s a bona fide master of the bleedin’ obvious until he answers this one: Do you honestly think you’ve got a snowball’s chance of having a political career ever again? That is, if you manage stay out of jail?


I am pretty sure if Jeb knew then what he knows now, he would have answered the question differently.


Okay…I think I’m confused…or maybe I’m just seeing the world differently.

I might be seeing the two as separate entities. What I knew then about Iraq is that invading it while fighting a war in Afghanistan was a disastrous tactical decision which split resources and efforts. I knew then that Iraq did not have chemical weapons or a chemical weapons program and that dictators like Saddam Hussein engage in a lot of bluster to keep power. Shifting the war to Iraq was a bad idea because the Suni and Shia have historically been at each other’s throats and anything other than a full commitment by the US to helping the Iraqis rebuild with them leading the way and with a leadership which they would have faith in was doomed from the beginning.

Basically, I knew all of what has happened would happen because I have studied my military history.

With regards to bin Laden…the Bush administration may not have shown it as obviously as the GOP of today does, but the GOP hatred of the Democrats is so strong and bitter that they would much rather destroy the country than trust anything that the Democrats do. G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney pretty much went “yeah right” to the Clinton’s intel and said “we’ll do our own intel”…which because of Bush’s obsession with finishing what “Daddy” didn’t; Rumsfeld’s obsession with finishing Desert Storm, and Cheney’s obsession with not winning the Vietnam War was an attempt to find some way to invade Iraq whether or not bin Laden and Afghanistan were involved.


Too late Crispy Creme…besides, nobody asked ya. Your opinion is not required. Give it a rest…You ain’t gonna be President anyway. So get used to it.

He’s like the Arnold Horshack of Presidential Politics…Crispy knows the answer!

edit: except for the fact that Jake ‘The Villager’ Tapper asked him…I still say, nobody gives a fuck.


How come many of us knew then that we shouldn’t have invaded Iraq and yet we were mocked by all The Serious People, including the media?

How come the very same people that made those poor decisions then (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Kristol, McCain, Graham, et al) are featured so prominently on the network news shows and asked their opinions of everything, now?

When will they ever learn? Even after so many young lives were destroyed and the world made a shambles, they will never learn. It’s always ignore the past, on to the next war


HEY Christie! Knowing what the public does now, YOU should ST*U!

He’s funny, like he thinks he has any chance in the world of winning the nomination. He’ll be lucky to get a job as a dogcatcher.


Who gives a shit what Christie would do in Iraq? I want to know if he would have shut down the bridge if he knew then what he knows now.


I’m pretty sure if Jeb knew ANYTHING, he would have answered the question differently.


But then I don’t know much about anything, especially bridges.

“But we don’t get to replay history.”

Interesting comment from an individual whose entire existence of late has been around trying to rewrite it.

Now that’s a very good question for Crispy? I’d pay to see one of these Villagers ask him that, just to see the reaction on his face.

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Christie isn’t even going to get for enough in a presidential campaign for voters to care.