Discussion: Chipotle Employee's 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot' Protest Snowballs Into Snafu For Company

Discussion for article #231513

So, the employee’s actions were “not consistent” with the company’s values. OK. But I guess that begs the question as to whether or not the cops turning their back on the mayor, who is their boss is consistent with their company’s “values.” If it was, then I guess we have freedom of speech while you are in uniform and on the City payroll, but not if you are on the payroll of a corporation that is desperate not to offend anyone who might patronize their establishment. Hmm.


Perhaps, they simply didn’t want to be shot. Don’t forget the cops had to be looking at something besides the mayor.


I will make it a point to pick up a bunch of burritos from Chipotle on the way home tonight.


Employee can speak freely and get fired for doing so since the corporation isn’t the government which the 2nd Amendment is protecting you from speaking against.


The fact that the boycott organizers and supporters are claiming the cops were refused service, when surveillance tape proves otherwise, says everything you need to know about the people behind the recent police rancor regarding de Blasio, Obama, Sharpton and, now, Chipotle.

In short, they lie. They say whatever they think is necessary to discredit critics of the police, and facts be damned. I’m so sick of this bullshit. Just stop lying already.


Whether you agree or disagree why would you boycott Chipotle? This was the action of employee’s at this particular franchise location, not an edict from corporate. Unless you want the employee’s fired, for expressing an opinion you don’t agree with. And come on you weren’t even there, does this really impact your enjoyment of a burrito knowing that someone working in one of their locations somewhere has opinions you don’t agree with?


“People” meaning white people!!!

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Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.

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One way to support the police against hulking demons charging full speed at you is to exaggerate.


can’t wait to go Chipolte


but its ok for cops to turn their backs on the mayor



RWNJs Want To Boycott Chipotle Over Worker’s Impromptu ‘Hands Up’ Protest

Today’s RWNJ Poutrage Of The Day.



I wonder how Ronald Reagan would have handled the police union. Based on how he handled the air traffic controllers, he probably would have probably fired all of them.


Your response is far too rational.

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As a lesbian who used to run a coffee house, yes, I would hope a company would discipline (if not fire) an employee who refused to serve their customers. Would we be ok with Chick-fil-A allowing their staff to refuse to serve people who were (or were assumed to be) gay?

Would I boycott a business over a single incident? Probably not. But I do avoid giving my money to companies when I don’t like how they run their business, either.

The officers weren’t refused service though.
They seemed to have decided to leave while still awaiting in line to be served.

But I agree that an employee who refuses to serve anyone
(excepting for typically acceptable reasons; no shirt/no shoes, overly intoxicated)–
ought to be disciplined.

I don’t know about being fired.
This does seem a teachable moment for that individual.


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How quickly we forget we we are making someone a saint!!

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Thank the gods it wasn’t a Krispy Kreme outlet.


go to chipotle’s facebook page, like them, then have lunch there sometime this week.