Looks like a job for the House Oversight Committee in January.
Oh yeah…no grifting THERE!!!
but many companies also file defensively, particularly in China, where trademark squatting is rampant.
They’ve squatted over the rule-of-law, the Constitution, basic decency, this is hardly a surprise.
To quote The REAL Donald Trump;
The Trumps as the original White House squatters? I like it…
So this is quite interesting. China has issued a ‘letters patent’ for these trademarks. Another form of a letters patent is what the Queen of England issues to confer a title (Duke, lord, peer, earl, prince). Letters patent also can be issued to allow a corporation to form.
How is this not a foreign emolument? If the Queen declared Donald Trump a Duke (and was able to collect rents of of the duchy) this would violate clauses of granting titles of nobility and also on foreign emoluments. So how is a trademark different?
Voting machines for a fashionista? She has nefarious designs on democracy no doubt.
“There has also been concern that the Trump family’s global intellectual property portfolio lays the groundwork for the president and his daughter, who serves as a White House adviser, to profit from their global brands as soon as they leave office.”
WASHINGTON DC (AP) There has been an absence of truth and fact from the white house press liasons. Critics worry that the demonstrated reluctance of the president to disengage the country from bad trade deals with countries such as Saudi Arabia and China may in time, damage an economy that has been described by the president as both ‘robust’ and ‘fragile’. China has many factories that make goods such as purses and electronic items.
Obama had “global intellectual property.” Applying that term to Trump’s hobgoblin of greed is simply appalling.
And designer voting machines?
China has said it handles all trademark applications equally under the law.
It’s cute how Ivanka is pretending that she’s going to have any brand value when this presidency is over.
C’mon, even the Octomon had some value for the pornographers.
Yea, no emoluments there, huh?
…including sunglasses, handbags, shoes and jewelry, as well as beauty services and voting machines.
Excuse me?
Intellectual property. Webster’s, Funk and Wagnalls, Oxford, they’re all apologetic about that.