Discussion: China Fires Warning To Trump After His Controversial Call With Taiwan

Dear Lord. He had no clue. There’s a big difference between unofficial policies and doing something and the President of the United States openly acknowledging something.

He just doesn’t even understand the game he’s playing, much less the rules for it.


At the rate he’s going he’ll crash the world’s economy before he’s even sworn in.


China views Taiwan’s president as an illegitimate leader

Sorry about that Mr Xi. Illegitimate leaders seem to be a bit of a problem for us all.

Interesting how the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipment but I should not accept a congratulatory call.

Complete non sequitur.


But then isn’t that his/Bannon’s goal from the beginning? And notice how whinny and small he’s tweet is about “but I should not accept a congratulatory call.”
If Trump wants attention he should have stayed a celebrity. Dustin Hoffman’ story about Olivier and why actors act would also apply to Trump.


If this is the true story of the call, then we already have the first instance of Trump being manipulated by a foreign leader.


And also a tiny bit tactless…


Tactless from the world’s yuuuuugest shitgibbon, say it ain’t so.


Trump’s tweet is classic NPD. His narcissism is showing.
On the other hand he had me out on a ledge as t what China’s response would be… since I’m typing at the moment it’s apparent they didn’t nuke us over night so there’s that.

Trump’ll probably take credit for that.


He has also had a conversation with Rodrigo Duterte,

He is clearly not aware that the respect for the ‘Office of the President of the US’ is pretty much destroyed by that act alone, after POTUS Obama cancelled meetings with Duterte.

And he has a problem with flag burning ?


Lovely. Ignorantly starting a fight with a nuclear superpower. He may get us all incinerated, but it is too much to speak out and lobby the Electoral College to change their votes to the candidate that won the popular vote.

Apparently the inviolable Electoral College vote is a suicide pact.


Are you discounting what Putin has done during the election?


It’s still unclear if Trump’s call–in which Taiwan’s president congratulated him–was intended to cause the uproar and signal a new direction in U.S. foreign policy toward China or if Trump had been unaware of the precedent he was toppling.

Well, why can’t it be both. Radical GOP members in the House want to punish China for a number reasons, not least for the artificial islands in the S. China Sea. The whole affair was cooked up both in Taiwan and at Trump Headquarters. Trump Hotel representatives have been recently working the Taiwanese for hotel development. What we have here is a convergence of interests coupled with a ham-fisted boorish approach delivered by the ignoramus, Trump.


I don’t know because I’m not an expert, but I do possess common sense and it seems to me that Trump really needs to start taking the role and responsibilities of a POUTS more seriously and stop his adolescent tactics!

Again, I hope the entire Electoral College is watching and listening to all post antics that has been pulled by this president-elect. Thus far, Trump has shown on several occasions that he is NOT ready for this HUGE job of running the Free World! VOTE NO FOR TRUMP EC!


I assume it’s a typo, but “POUTS” instead of POTUS is just about the most perfect thing ever. We should all use that construction to refer to Trump.


Any more news about electors not willing to vote for Trump?
I hope there are some secret electors who will vote against him.


I guess it’s a relief that China is taking a “let’s see what happens” approach by following the normal diplomatic channels - severe representations, etc. etc. - but it’s annoying as hell that that person (and his minions) will mis-interpret and mis-represent this as indicative of the “winning” ways of their approach. The next incident, and there will be one, two, many, may not be received so well. I wonder how many troops China has started to move onto their western borders in anticipation of a squeeze play?


hmmmmm… disconcerting thought for someone in my location.
I doubt Kazakhstan will be invading China soon though.


Nitpicking here, Lauren - Trump’s not President yet, so your statement that it is the “first time in four decades that a US President…” is not technically true.


This kind of blatant ignorance is why every serious Republican foreign policy expert came out against the moron.