Discussion: Child Migrant Crisis Sparks New War Between Obama And Republicans

Discussion for article #224888

Do tell…


“The policies of the current Administration have created the crisis we are currently facing at our southern border and it will take Presidential action to solve it,” the lawmakers said.

I really hate these people. They’re actually talking about impeaching the president because he took presidential action. Now they’re asking him to take presidential action (executive orders) because these racist morons don’t want to be seen as working with Obama or doing anything that “helps” brown people.

“He’s been president for five and a half years. When’s he going to take responsibility for something?” a furious Boehner said Thursday.

That’s rich, real rich. The Senate passed comprehensive immigration reform and you’ve allowed it to sit on your desk while you placate the crazies in your caucus. If there’s anyone to blame, it’s the orange drunk in your mirror.


It said it would consider legislation but suggested he resolve the matter administratively.

So they want him to go around the law by Executive Order and pay for ti with magic beans?

Fucking amazing the shit that the GOP pushes and the media doesn’t point out is the exact opposite of what the GOP has been screaming about for years now about what a dictator Obama is.

So if President Obama does what these jackholes in the GOP study group say in their rhetoric, will they then get Boehner to sue him over it or just go for impeachment?

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Beat me to it. It’s rather breathtaking isn’t it?

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OMG. he looks like a Bush MiniMe, strutting as though he is the mostest impotent personage in his whirled.

At least he lost the glasses.

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Not a ‘Border Crisis’, a humanitarian crisis.
Please TPM, don’t buy into the right wing terminology.


Indeed. Taking administrative action rather than getting Congress to pass legislation is exactly what Boehner is suing the President for. Irony anyone?

I read an article that changed my view about illegal immigration. Maybe there’s something to securing our borders after all. Read it. And weep.


You want websites? Here’s one for 'ya…

It doesn’t load, and besides, you’re ignoring the issue that illegals increase crime A LOT in this country. I’ll take a white commie to a brown criminal any day.

Bullshit, regarding your illegals/crime “stats”. And the site loads just fine - maybe the internets don’t work well in your trailer. Go to the Southern Poverty Law Center rogue’s gallery of racists and nutjobs and you’ll find your boy John Tanton - the honch over at "fair"us.

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There’s this on CNN:

However, the deep partisan divide over the immigration issue set up a certain congressional battle over the funding.
Earlier Thursday, House Speaker John Boehner erupted in anger over what he called Obama’s lack of leadership on the issue, telling reporters that “this is a problem of the President’s own making.”
“He’s been President for five and a half years,” the Ohio Republican thundered. “When is he goingto take responsibility for something?”

Bull crap Boehner, immigration feform requires action by CONGRESS. You guys make the law fellah. YOU Sir were the one who said not very long ago “immigration reform is dead.” Meaning until after the election I assume.

Republicans DEMAND Obama do something yet if he acts unilaterally they say they will sue him for acting unilaterally.
Funding, Mr Boehner, does not originate in the Executive Branch. You well know this so get off your ass, put the bottle down, get out of the tanning booth, and do your goddamned job for once.

Unmitigated crap. The statistics actually show the opposite of what you claim.

I voted for him but I consider him a Republican. That said, Republican’s behavior toward Obama is barbarous and un-American. We need Republicans like Obama (in their own party, of course). If Progressives kick the Republicans out of the Democratic Party, maybe they could restart the Republican Party as a legitimate American political party? Hillary, are you reading this?

There’s no faster way to show the empty, political gamesmanship (and/or stupidity) of the Republicans over the immigration issue than three simple words: what’s the plan?

And, what is Gov. Perry’s plan: he wants 1,000 Texas National Guard troops paid for by the U.S. government to secure the border. Leaving aside the laughable hypocrisy of Perry’s secessionist rhetoric while expecting federal money to pay for Texas guard troops, the more pressing issue is how will 1000 troops solve the problem of thousands of kids fleeing desperate situations and in this case, not fleeing federal authorities but running into their arms?

And Perry’s answer: “The power of boots on the ground cannot be overstated. The message needs to be not, ‘If you come into the United States, you’ll be deported,’ but, ‘You won’t enter the United States.’”

That’s it, that’s the “plan”, 1000 Texas Guard troops paid for by Uncle Sam are going to solve the problem. That’s Perry’s plan for dealing with a decades-long illegal immigration problem that has allowed 11 million illegal immigrants to cross the border and has been brought to a head by the influx of thousands of unaccompanied children.

And complicating the problem with the children is a law signed by George W. Bush, the Homeland Security Act of 2002, which requires that any unaccompanied minor who isn’t from Mexico caught at the border be taken into custody and transferred to the Office of Refugee Resettlement. They are then either sent to a suitable relative or put into long-term foster care. In other words, they stay in the United States and now that there are a lot of them – fleeing drug wars and hunger – Republicans don’t like that compassionate law any more. What they DO like is blaming Obama for all of this.

All Perry’s plan will do is provide even more arms for these children to run into or provide the jarring image of American troops forcing children refugees from Central America back across the border into Mexico.