Discussion: Cheney: Impeachment Talk Is Nothing But A Distraction

Discussion for article #225100

“Cheney: Impeachment Talk Is Nothing But A Distraction…”

…from Benghazi.


“worst President of my lifetime,"

anticipating that to be in the past tense


No, DICK, you were the worst president of your lifetime.


“I’m glad to see House Republicans are challenging him, at least legally, at this point…”

Has any Republican been able to explain why it was legal for President Bush to delay parts of the Medicare part D roll-out, but somehow now the House should legally challenge President Obama for doing the same thing? Look, I get “IOKIYAR” is perfectly logical within the right-wing bubble, but shouldn’t ostensibly non-partisan media outlets at least make an attempt to question this?


[quote] … Although he said he believes President Barack Obama is the “worst President of my lifetime, except for Bush and me" former Vice President Dick Cheney [/quote] And this mofo would certainly know the WORST president and vice in anyone’s life.

Why does the MSM give time to this irrelevant war criminal?


DON’T LISTEN TO HIM!!! He’s been replaced by a OBAMACARE DRONE! Keep the faith Baggernuts! Go for the brass ring!



Let’s ask the historians, Dick:

The History News Network conducted an informal poll on Thursday asking American historians from the nation’s top research universities and liberal arts colleges to grade the presidency of George W. Bush on an A-F scale, based on fourteen different metrics, ranging from foreign policy to the economy to transparency and accountability.

Sixty-four historians responded. Thirty-five – over half – rated his presidency an outright failure.

“Thank you, God, for this opportunity,” one professor, a faculty member at one of the service academies, wrote in a comment. “He was not qualified to be president and it showed for eight long years.”

President Bush received his lowest marks for his handling of the economy (his tax cuts were “absolutely irresponsible,” wrote one historian), foreign policy (“followed the neo-conservative utopian dream of enforcing
democracy from above, which was a devastating failure for the United States”), and transparency (“the most opaque administration since [Richard] Nixon.”)


War criminal and instigator of state-sponsored mass murder and torture Dick “Dick” Cheney offers his appalling opinions and reminds us all once more why he currently is one of the worst and most evil human beings permitted to walk free on the face of the Earth…

Hey Dick: Satan needs a new toothpick. Don’t keep him waiting.

"I think he is the worst President of my lifetime," Cheney said.

Given that Vlad was born in 1431, that’s saying a lot.

The press should follow up on this in a few centuries, to see if his views have changed by then.


Surprising the Bush Cartel has not had this embarrassment “disappeared”. Cheney is a viper. He makes sure no one ever forgets the true worst president/administration in American history every time he opens the side of his mouth and hisses his poison.


How many lives does Cheney get? I assume that he was merely referring to the period between 2010 and now.


Cheney IS the Bush Cartel. Remember how he picked himself to be Vice President?


People complain about Obama’s drone strategy, and it does leave a lot to be desired, but one thing I know for sure is that he isn’t getting rich from it. He isn’t lining his personal bank account with the spilled blood of American soldiers as Cheney did with Halliburton in Iraq. And if this ASSHOLE has the nerve to suggest Barack Obama is somehow worse than the bloodsuckers of the Bush administration who feathered their nests with the torn limbs and broken bodies of 100,000 innocent Iraqis and more than 4,000 American boys and girls, then someone should stick him in a never-ending Oculus Rift of the torture at Abu Ghraib and see how the ol’ chummy VP likes electric cattle prods up his ass.


More on GWB:

HNN contacted faculty members who list American history as a research interest at the top twenty-five graduate programs in history and the top twenty-five liberal arts colleges in the United States, as ranked by the U.S. News and World Report in 2013.Respondents were asked to grade President Bush on the following metrics (the average > letter grade accompanies each metric) and provide justifications for their marks:

Overall (not a composite): F
Communication ability D
Relationship with Congress C
Supreme Court appointments D
Handling of the economy F
Executive appointments D
Diplomacy & foreign policy F
National security D
Civil rights & civil liberties D
Innovation and initiative D
General leadership D
Vision D
Transparency & accountability F
Integrity D+
Crisis management D
Ability to learn from mistakes D

I’m sure this resembles his grades at Yale too.


I’m sure good old Jeb Bush is absolutely thrilled that Dick Cheney is still alive so that he can remind everyone how great the Bush presidency was. Hope his heart holds out tell 2017.


Re: Dick Cheney

If President Obama deserves to be impeached – then what do I deserve_________?


You are right about this President being the worst in one regard at least, he should never have set the tone of “moving forward” and ignoring your war criminal behavior and that of your ventriloquist dummy “boss”.

Why Cheney isn’t in front of a panel of judges in the Hague I’ll never understand.


Well, there you have it. Cheney and Palin, both spectacularly wrong about everything for the last bazillion years, say Obama is the worst president ever.

Case closed.


George W. Bush’s approval rating bottomed out at 19%, the worst in modern history, and when he left office he was at 22%.
