Discussion: Charlottesville Mayor Slams Trump For 'Courting' White Supremacists


More of this please. Get the mayor on every network. Call Fox and volunteer to be interviewed. Letā€™s see how theyā€™ll turn him down.


And Trump is their fearless leader: http://www.politicususa.com/2017/08/12/trump-walks-reporters-asked-denounce-white-supremacists.html


And a concerted drumbeat for the sacking of Bannon, Gorka, and the rest, would be in order. Do not let him off the hook just by tweaking his tweeting, if even that is possible.


Mr Mayor,
Welcome to the Ununited States of Trump.
Our country is now of the Trump, by the Trump and for the Trump.
He appears to be solidly behind those who came into your town and tell you you have no right to go against their beliefs.
This hate and allowing terrorists to run free in his name is what appears to be how he wants his country to be.


When is the next Senate seat in Virginia open?


Politicians, normally averse to any semblance of controversy, are openly signaling they donā€™t respect Trump, and even worse for him, they donā€™t fear him.

Heā€™s only been in office six months and already heā€™s rudderless and weakened.


Virginia has two good democratic senators - Warner and Kaine.
Go for the congressional seat held by Garrett (R-5) who wants to dismantle Obamacare totally.


Oh, and if Garrett has said anything about the travesty in Charlottesville, I havenā€™t seen itā€¦

Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer (D) on Sunday slammed President Donald Trump for his campaignā€™s ā€œintentional courtingā€ of white supremacist groups and his failure to condemn them in the wake of violence at a rally that left dozens injured.

If this were the eighteenth century, the mayor could have been a Signer of the U.S. Constitution.


ā€œLook at the intentional courting, both on the one hand all of these white supremacist, white nationalist groups like that, anti-Semitic groups, and then look on the other hand the repeated failure to step up and condemn, denounce, silence, put to bed all of those different efforts, just like we saw yesterday,ā€ he added. ā€œThis is not hard.ā€

It wouldnā€™t be difficult for most people. But, see the first part of what you said, Mayor. And consider who Trump really is, his core belief in what he sees as strength (which includes hate and violence), and his need for adulation (which the white supremacists and racists provide), and you have your answer.


I am surprised that Feckless Leader hasnā€™t clapped back on the democrat mayor with a ā€œnow is not the time to play politics with peopleā€™s livesā€. Is He loosing his Twitter edge?


If he does, it will be despicable. During the campaign, two armed yahoos decided to ā€œmonitorā€ the Democratic Party office near my house all day long, and he approved of it as a beautiful exercise of 2nd amendment rights. He is among the worst of the worst.


Make no mistake about it, the press will shower Trump with praise for his slightest criticism of what is blatant terrorism by a right-wing, white supremacist. If Trump even says something as stupid and empty as ā€œthe driver was an angry white man who was driven to this mistake by Obamaā€™s bad racial policiesā€, the press will say Trump has now admitted it was a white man and, therefore, this is the long awaited ā€œpivotā€ that they knew would be coming all along. Fuck the press for always acting as if Trump might suddenly change; asking if this might be the point when Trump starts acting ā€œpresidentialā€. Fuck 'em all right in the neck.


Yes. I live just outside Cville, and it is a pleasure to watch the government there. Of course itā€™s not perfect (who is?), but the city council has 11 members and 11 Democrats and generally proceeds in a logical, caring manner. Quite a breath of fresh air.


If this were the eighteenth century, the mayor could have been a Signer of the U.S. Constitution.

And Republicans would be wearing red coats, singing the praise of King George III, and endorsing the use of Hessian mercenaries to kill the revolutionary colonists.

This is his weak spot ā€“ not Russia. Russian collusion may undermine him legally but his courting of and enabling white supremacists undermines him morally.

Theyā€™re BOTH weak spots. Plenty of Americansā€”including more than a few prominent Republicansā€”believe that his Russian collusion and affection for Putin undermines him morally, and this has significantly cut into his support among those who arenā€™t part of Trumpā€™s dead-ender GOP base. This in turn makes his half-hearted statement on Charlottesville even more disastrous.


But not yet destroyed. This is his weak spot ā€“ not Russia. Russian collusion may undermine him legally but his courting of and enabling white supremacists undermines him morally. Weā€™ve got to push on this one until heā€™s destroyed.


Quit complaining about Trump and take action. Send a city Public Works crew to Emancipation Park and drop the fetish object to the ground. Drag it onto a roll-back and deliver it to whichever Judge has presumed to place themselves above the safety of your citizenry. That is how you deal with Nazis

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Has there been any local discussion about police ā€˜non-interventionā€™ during the violence?


Mayor, some C-4 explosive and send Bobby E. Lee back to hell.