Discussion: Charlottesville Mayor: ‘I’m Finished' With 'Talking About The President’

It was terrorism, and a failure to call it that is support of terrorism.

Our President supports terrorism. And the American terrorists know it.


He said a lot in a little there, and I hope it’s not wrong to assume that unpacked it means he’s one of a growing number of people who see Trump as so bizarre intellectually and emotionally that he’s simply incapable of playing a role in this society that involves any kind of public responsibility. Everyone else tried to warn the GOP that he wasn’t up to it and couldn’t be normalized. But they persisted. They had to see for themselves. And here we are, with white supremacists killing people and the President unable to condemn them by name. God willing, this whole society will be done with Trump soon.


Leadership-some have it and some don’t. The contrast couldn’t be clearer


The ones who do understand that the core of it is a taking of responsibility. Trump’s incapable of that.


Yep. This line right here.

“Anybody trying to reduce them to a tweet, to something that will fit into 140 characters just doesn’t fit into the debate,” he said.

A great, “Shut the fuck up Donny. The adults are talking.” Should be the first line out of every democrats mouth when asked about every and any forthcoming twitter screed.


GOPers, your country needs you, now!

Do you stand with US or white supremacy?


They stand with greed and power — as long as Donnie Two Scoops feeds the first and supplies the second, the country be damned.


This is so painfully on the mark. This weekend I had to sit through several attempts by family members to explain their (former or partial continued) support for DT. The refrain is always “but he’s really good on the economy. Look at the stock market. I really hate the other stupid stuff he does, but…”

It’s impossible to believe that anyone who watched the campaign could ignore signs of incompetence, grandiosity, venality, and amorality as glaringly obvious as DT’s. There is no acceptable excuse for voting for him, period.


I was offline most of the weekend so don’t know all the details. I do know this. If Muslims had done any of that,the right would be throwing a huge net of “Islamic terrorism” commentary.


Although they are that cynical, they will put their self-interest first. If the Hair Furor drops to 30% or below, which he may after C’ville, the rats will flee the sinking ship in droves. They supported him because they figured he’d sign their crappy bills. But they couldn’t pass their crappy bills and not only did he not help, he got in the way. They’d be happier with Pence over all.

Donnie, why can’t you say the words “domestic terrorism?”

Just keep walkin’…


Yep, job numbers the same as Obama, stock market increase that will NOT be better than Obama’s. The best you can say is that on the economy he has somehow managed (so far) not to screw up Obama’s good work.


They haven’t been inescapably proven wrong yet. And they’re just clinging, if I may use that word, to a dignity-preserving shred of pseudo-evidence that they weren’t fooled by a bunko artist, that they don’t need to be entirely ashamed. It’s just human nature.


There is a difference between Donald Trump, a walking, talking piece of real-world shit, and Mr. Hanky, the walking, talking animated piece of imaginary shit on “South Park”:
Mr. Hanky would have spoken out against a bunch of fucking Nazis.


Yup, the moment he turns into a liability, they will turn on him in a millisecon.d

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The inability to admit when one is wrong is human nature? Perhaps for those incapable of a smidgen of introspective thought.

Unfortunately, that does describe a too large segment of Republican voters.


I think the reluctance is. Few people seem to relish it much, or hasten to do it at every opportunity. At least I’m pleasantly surprised when it does happen, in my own daily life. I could, of course, be wrong myself. :smile:



He already is a liability; some are smart enough to see it, some are not. Just wait until the chaos breaks out next month over the budget and debt ceiling. Under Obama those squeaked through due to clear and focused leadership from the White House. Think Trump can provide that? Ooops I just ducked as a pig flew at my head…