Discussion: Charlie Rose Grills Sanders On Comment That Clinton Not Qualified (VIDEO)

Liberal gadfly from a small liberal state. He’s not ready for the big leagues.
‘She started it’ is the same argument Trump and 5 year olds use.


I’m glad Rose pressed Sanders about the “unqualified” comment, but he should have asked Sanders if he could produce the quote that Clinton supposedly made. It’s hard to believe that Sanders didn’t know there was no such claim when he used the WP headline to justify his own response.


the kids don’t like it when the alleged adults start to squabble like children…

s/he started it first is NOT an adult argument or justification… STOP IT!!!

we get enough of this crap with the wall-to-wall coverage of the Republican children…


I am pleased Bernie said he would support Clinton if she is the nominee and Clinton has said she would support Bernie if he is the nominee. Can we now move on to insuring neither Cruz or Trump ever see the inside of the White House as anything more than tourists. Stop with he said, she said and pointing fingers about who started it. Thanks!


Actually she did not start it, when asked she never said he was unqualified, when asked again same answer, when asked a third time same answer. She said he needs to do his homework and needs to put some meat onto his positions not just sound bites… I like Rose but he failed by not pointing out that she did not start this. Bernie by keeping this narrative going just reinforces my thinking that he has jumped the shark.


Next he should repeat that statement and he should equivalently state he will encourage his supporters to also support the nominee.


The very least Sen Sanders could’ve said?
Is-- what he said.

Sanders got Lewandowskied by Weaver.



Sanders told Rose that he he was simply responding to Clinton and a headline in the Washington Post that said Clinton “questioned” whether Sanders was qualified, a defense Sanders used earlier in the say at a press conference.

Someone commenting on the internet gets to use the excuse that a headline misled them. A presidential candidate – and definitely a president – does not. They have to find out the facts before lashing out, and Bernie didn’t do that.

Further, he is still – as far as I can tell – unwilling to say Clinton is qualified to be president even now that he was misled by a headline. That’s unacceptable.


This kind of bickering is petty - but Sanders acknowledged it. And he further said he would support her if she were the nominee.

Clinton should take that as a win and move on.This is weak tea.


Bernie smells power–and guess what? He’s immediately corrupted. Intellectual honesty goes out the window.


I prefer the high road as well.
But honestly, this tactic of doubling down–
like after the data breach is ÂŽ-lite behavior.
Lashing out at the Clinton campaign due to unforced errors–
seems at this point like running-out-the-clock.

As if keeping a non-story alive as controversy until the NY primary is over
will keep the spotlight off of his policy/interview gaffe this past Monday.

Might sound cynical-- but it’s certainly plausible.
Been shown previously to be the Weaver way.



Sadly, Sanders erroneously quoting the Post is strikingly similar to Drumpf’s constant “I read it somewhere!” responses when asked for his sources. Epic failure on Bernie for failing to fact check this. And on Rose for failing to confront Bernie about it.


Actually she did not start it…

I know. But the whole ‘she started it’ shtick isn’t good even if she did start it.


Hey Bern. That was not an “in kind” response and you responded to a headline that you failed to verify. You didn’t do your homework again. Neither did Weaver.


Well, she found his weakness, stubborn pride, he’s got a pretty short fuse when under real pressure … makes me actually look forward to the next debate to see if she plays off it.


Krugman’s take on this scuffle


New York can’t come soon enough.


You know jw1, HRC is definitely qualified but having an impressive resume like George H. W. Bush doesn’t count for success. She’s still very much a marginal presidential candidate.


I’m really starting to worry that Sanders and his die-hard supporters could end up having a Nader Effect on this election. They have to see that that result would be disastrous for both camps and, more importantly, the country and the world. I love the issues that Bernie has brought to the forefront of this election, but it’s entering into being about Bernie’s ego more than moving toward his goals (even if incrementally more slowly under a Clinton presidency).