Discussion for article #225582
Scott replies: “Them thar librul leetist college perfessers ain’t gonna tell the Reel 'Murkin truth!”
Of all the states in the union, Florida has the most to lose from the effects of rising sea levels. Half the state will be underwater. You’d think they’d wake up.
I’m not a proctologist but I’m pretty sure Rick Scott is an asshole.
97% scientific consensus, bitches!
I posted ZING! initially but TPM doesn’t like concise , one word responses…
This is the problem with the GOP in a nutshell. Being sane and open to evidence are simply not compatible with being a republican candidate for office.
New religion for deniers…
Climate Scientology----A non-denominational church because they’ll accept ALL denominations—$5$10$20$50$100 and ALL major credit cards.
FRedFlintStone the AyahTellYa WhatToBelieve.
Barney to preach to the choir.
and the more that Dems decry, the more the GOPers dig in their heels.
This isn’t about climate-change denial to them. This is about making Dems unhappy. It’s juvenile. It’s sick. And it’s incredibly dangerous.
I’ll be C. Crist feels a lot better these days. He doesn’t have to follow the Republican talking points. I always thought he was a good buy at heart, but now he can be that person.
Fast-forward to 2024 advertisement:
“Visit Coastal Georgia Beaches-- The New Florida!”
(Paid for by the State of Georgia Tourism Board)
Why would I talk to scientists when I can talk directly to God through the power of delusional thinking?
The fact that this guy isn’t pound Rick Scott is a complete joke.
Wish the Dems have someone better to run than someone who comes off as a political opportunist.
How refreshing- a man running for office willing to really discuss the issues and indicate where he stands. Robots like Scott are dangerous not just because they are tools of the plutocrats, they cannot grasp the role they play in serving the long term interests of their own constituents.FL is one of the most vulnerable areas in the the US in terms of rising ocean levels and they have a governor who pretends that ignoring the possibilities of future peril is an acceptable course of action… In what other profession would such a dolt be deemed as an effective leader?
They’ll tell themselves that waist-high waters are gawd’s blessing, and has nothing to do with any man made climate change. And, it’s easier to baptize converts during a gawd-sent deluge!
yes. critical thinking is a publicity stunt.
I wish more Democratic politicians and candidates would grow some balls and do more of this type of thing. A great deal of Republican policy and belief is based on pure bullshit and willful ignorance, but too often they’re allowed to run their mouths uninterrupted. Reminder that Rick Scott’s the governor who bought into the welfare queen myth and enacted the welfare recipient drug testing program, only to find that most recipients were in fact not drug addicts, and it ended up wasting a ton of taxpayer dollars. The man is truly stupid and should be spoken to as such.
Dude, its Florida.
Enough said.
West Virginia is your surfing mecca!
Crist is a slippery pol, and not one I would hold up as my ideal by any stretch of the imagination, but he certainly benefits vs. the competition, and this rejoinder is spot on.