Discussion for article #223075
Here we go with short term self-interests over long term reason. The last trio calling for Shinseki’s resignation are in the weeds, wallowing with the fish. Beware of the lines forming this time over an institutional problem, Shineski agreed to take on out of retirement.
Really? You and Grimes should focus on getting elected in your states and leave these matters to those involved. Both of you should shut your pie holes!
Is this becoming the campaign slogan du jour, “Shinseki, step down”? As of any of these bleating sheep gave a thought to the VA before today.
Democrats earn their “Dems in disarray” label with crap like this. Make Eric Shinseki the scapegoat? I realize that it’s great election-bait, and Dems need stunts like these to demonstrate that they will stand up to Obama, but man, I’d still like to see them unify and give a giant FU to the GOP and the media.
The last time they did that (government shutdown), they improved their standing. Too bad that got hosed in the epic media hyperfocus on the “disaster of a roll-out…why isn’t there hold music…” lollapalooza of last fall.
The VA was in trouble before Obama was elected, and Shinseki took over. This was the general marginalized by the Bush Administration for rightly pointing out that the “Shock and Awe” huckster campaign was profoundly wrong on the number of troops that would be actually needed. In other words, he got run over for pointing out the truth.
And now Dems want to throw him under the bus because they can score political points?
Understandable, but it most certainly is a reason why people f*cking hate politicians.
Exactly. Meanwhile, let’s just entertain a thought experiment. Shinseki steps down. And these clowns think the GOPers in the Senate are ever going to allow a confirmation of a successor before November? Oh, no. So who’s going to get hosed by this? Actual veterans. Not Shinseki. Not Obama. Not the GOP, and not these Democrats.
Unless Crist or Grimes have been thoroughly briefed on what exactly is going on in the VA they ere mouthing off based on somewhat sensationalized and politicized news reports.
…, and while we don’t know precisely what happened here,
Good grief.
And I like Charlie Crist. I expect it from Grimes but no Crist. Oh well, speaks volumes of the b/s one feels one must say and do to get elected these days in red states.
OMG seriously, Charlie???
Charlie had to get out in front of the Clammy One. This is what this is all about. And demonstrating that he’s not your ordinary Democrat.
Irony is, though, that by doing this, he’s exactly like most of the Democrats we have: ready and eager to dump on the Obama Administration rather than fighting the good fight. All in a day’s work of getting elected or getting re-elected.
(Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans blocked legislation on Thursday that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans, saying the $24 billion bill would bust the budget.
Inspiring, isn’t it?
“We don’t know what happened here, but we’re going to condemn the individuals involved anyway, because it allows to score cheap and ephemeral political points. All in a day’s work, doncha know” should have been the actual statement.
Nice, huh? “Budget worry”? GOP is propped up by the media, and abetted by the likes of Grimes and Christ. They should be yelling at the top of their lungs about the GOP’s criminal refusal to help veterans. Instead? Blame the Obama Administration.
I get why Grimes is doing this. Doesn’t make it any more fun to watch. I also get that Charlie wanted to get out in front of Rick Scott on this. Still burns.
And replace Shinseki with whom??? Quit pandering.
Charlie if you want to see a political tool, just look in the mirror!
When I think of all the stories I’ve seen about vets from our recent engagements, which is tiny compared to the actual numbers, it makes me sick. Republicans (yes, some dems) sent them to war and then deny benefits (very few dems) for injuries or worse. These are mostly people who wouldn’t get within 10,000 miles of boot camp (mostly republicans).
Alright, so where the hell is the pivot on this?
Why is it that we don’t have an outraged group of Democrats putting out statements about how the Republicans gutted the VA in 2003 and then blocked $21 billion in funding in February that was meant to deal with this backlog and improve the lot of the afflicted veterans that the Republicans were responsible for creating?
What the hell is wrong with our messaging that we’re standing here abashed and ready to toss Shinseki under the bus?
Have we forgotten that this is the same man who was willing to put his career on the line by publicly calling Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz liars at a time when it took courage to do so?
Goddammit when are we going to learn to fight these bastards?
Are they still going after Shinseki for telling Rumsfeld that there were not enough troops in place for the post-war occupation of Iraq? No one was allowed to disagree with the Bush administration about any part of that fiasco. Whining about Obama is hilarious. That was a very scary time.
Shinseki was proven right, and Rumsfeld should be in prison.
Righteous rant.
Democrats could have taken this issue and run with it. Instead, they are being rats. And Grimes and Christ got in front of this for their own political purposes. I understand that, and would prefer that Grimes and Christ get elected. But they’ve just completely hamstrung Dems on this now, and Dems have only themselves to blame for it. It’s a fucking disgrace. Shinseki is going down. An honorable person who’s done what he could do to protect the country under the Bush Administration, and got canned for it.
Now he’ll be the sacrificial lamb for the Democratic Party. It’s a disgrace.
He’s going down, and it’s going to be excruciating to watch.