Discussion: Charleston Mayor: Huckabees's Ideas On Guns 'So Nutty I Can’t Even Talk'

Discussion for article #237886

You did, Sir, you did - and very well indeed…


It’s about time we had a politician with the brains and the balls to say what needs to be said plainly and simply: the ammosexuals are just plain nutty and crazy.


Words of wisdom. Thank you Mayor Riley.

"That is so nutty I can’t even talk. It’s crazy. Absolutely crazy," Riley said on Wednesday. "We want everybody to carry a gun. And then you have everybody carrying a gun and then somebody gets upset and pull it out because they got it handy and they got mad all of a sudden and rather than argue, or take a swing at somebody, they just kill them. It’s crazy, that is insane."


Huckleberry is such an ass. Hoping this ia his last campaign.


Thank-you, Mr. Mayor for injecting some sanity into this discussion.
To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And to a whore for the gun industry, every person looks like a potential gun owner.


Sorry, but no.

Grifters gotta Grift!


It’s nice that a man of God like Governor Huckabee thinks that people should be packing heat when they go to Bible class. Jesus was a big fan of weapons, too.


Headline typo rhymes with Jesus!

Thank you, Mayor Riley. F**king good common sense.


Hey, Reilly, if you don’t like guns, go back to Commiestan, or wherever you were born.

If Jesus didn’t want us all to carry as much firepower as we could, he never would of wrote the Second Amendment and included it in the original Constitution. His only screw-up was forgetting to include TOW missiles and small thermonuclear devices in it, but Chief Justice Scalito will remedy that, I hope.

And the rest of you Lie-beral commie bedwetters can suck on it.


“(Insert position of any R presidential candidate here) is so nutty I can’t even talk. It’s crazy. Absolutely crazy,”


GOPers envision a world where no place is safe enough to be unarmed…much like Iraq and Afghanistan, which they have made in their own image.


And yet the newsmedia treats these wackaloons as if they were presenting valid intellectual discourse on viable alternatives in the philosophy of governance. I even heard Rachel Maddow say, a few days ago, when discussing the “Klown Kar”, that … “It is not a clown car, these are serious candidates each of whom could be president.” [not exact, but that’s a pretty close quote]. I almost spurted my Riesling all over the TV.


There is more than one meaning for “serious,” I’m hoping she meant it as something like “serious contender,” which is not the same as un-clownish.

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Not me! I hope he runs and runs and runs.

I agree, perhaps she meant it that way, but that’s not how it came across, to me at least. But the plea: “it’s not a clown car” is a direct quote. I’ve been watching RM since she was a fill-in for Keith Olbermann. She’s changed; she’s a bit more more “company woman” now.

Huckster is a moral cretin,
Take a moment to comprehend the appalling moral depravity of his comments:
A Caucasian male from a state of Confederate Treason is telling Americans- and in this instance Black Americans in their church- that the final destination of our struggle Freedom, Justice and Domestic Tranquility is to go to church with a gun cloaked in fear to protect yourself there- in a church!- from attack by a racist cornpone bigot. This is your America, Huckster? Huckster, your are a shrieking fucking moral depravity.


You’re depressin’ the crap outta me.

Go to church, an act that displays your faith — Carry a gun, an act that displays your fear–

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