Discussion: Chaotic House GOP Delays August Recess To Work On Border Bill

Discussion for article #225807

I am enjoying the self destruction of what was once the gop way too much. bonehead really has something to cry about now. cruz and the rwnjs have destroyed this party. pelosi, practice swinging that gavel.

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As I’m always happy to say in situations like this regarding the Republicans:

Ha. Ha. Motherfuckin’ HA!


Can’t think of any cliche more appropriate than “the inmates are running the asylum.”


There won’t be a bill passed. Many,many months back,Reid and Schumer called House GOP Leadership’s bluff when they agreed to the House proposal to do immigration reform piecemeal. Any House bill sent to the House can be amended in the Senate. The Senate CIR Bill passed 68-32. Senate Dems will try to amend a House bill into a CIR bill. Reid said so yesterday. Senate GOPs who voted for it the first time will either have to vote for it again or flip-flop. Boehner knows he’ll be walking right into the punch if the House passes any IR/border bill. There’s no way out for Boehner.

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Anyone who’s ever been in Vista (Issa land) knows, heavily Latino and to let sleeping giant dogs lie.

Inoculation by being a leader of (from) do nothing will not be good enough should this humanitarian issue fail to be resolved.

Good PR move by the GOP, desperate as it appears, for rich lackeys like Issa as they can claim victory running to the left, in retreat and defeat, at the hands of the Teahaddists.

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Once again the tea party has backed Boehner into a corner. They have to pass a bill so they can go home and fund raise and run for re-election. Now the House will end up passing another bill that they know has no possibility of being approved in the Senate. The House either does nothing or it passes nonsense legislation (like suing the President) that will go absolutely nowhere but will get them re-elected so they can come back and do the same thing, over and over. How do these folks look at themselves in the mirror? How do they justify accepting their paycheck?


Cut out the we can only vote if all the Republicans agree and put together a bipartisan bill to help these child refuges. You will not have a problem if you use common sense.

The leadership of Ted Cruz is amazing! He’s got the Rs right where the President wants them.

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I must admit. I look forward to reading about these wingnuts tripping all over themselves to come up with something to take home and say we did it and it’s obama’s fault we had to do it. Good thing the paid vacation is right in front of them or this would have already been a do nothing as usual day in the house of vampires.

Speaker Boehner is extremely efficient to create chaos and then blames Obama for not fixing it. Americans are lucky to have such a leader whose conference almost always lets him down!

Imagine the Keystone Kops routine if they ran both Houses! One huge clown car of a party! (When will the U.S. electorate wake up that they’re all just about “NO.”)

John Boehner is pretty much a puppet. He is completely incompetent has to have his strings pulled even to unzip and pee in the bathroom. What a disgrace this man is! It is this kind of obstructionism and incompetence that cost Erik Cantor his job.

It’s amazing that Ted Cruze, the Cuban Canadian, is calling the shots when he himself comes from a refugee family.