It’s nOT persOnaL, LibTards. It’s PoLiTicS.
Go back a few years and look at who hosted or presented on the awards shows. John Wayne who was quite open about his bigotry toward blacks and native Americans. Bob Hope whose politics were conservative and jokes could be quite insipid. No one batted an eye toward them. During the Reagan years the award shows were deferential toward one of their own in the White House. His reactionary politics and support of the Blacklist notwithstanding.
Meryl was fine until she played Florence Foster Jenkins, a self-deluded New Yorker who thought she was capable of doing something she was completely incompetent at, but somehow became famous as a result.
The role was a leeeetle close to the mark for Trump.
Trump: “But I don’t remember.”
He seems impaired.
This SOB puts a drop of water on a hot skillet to shame ----
“The hundred that I know.” Ay caramba.
imagine you were such a fuck up that meryl streep used a lifetime achievement speech to tell the world how shitty you are
— Anne T. Donahue (@annetdonahue) January 9, 2017
Orange man-boy with the sphincter mouth is a fucking liar and hypocrite.
Leave it to King Crimson to describe the Prince of Orange…
meanderin Don
Gah! Trump is a very sick man.
We just returned after seeing the movie, Hidden Figures. It was heartwarming and inspiring. But remembering the focus this country’s leaders used to place on education and science made today’s climate even more unacceptable. It was also hard to watch the struggles of African American women and men at that time, but wonderfully uplifting to see them persevere in spite of efforts by ignorant people to keep them down.
I cried when it showed a picture of Obama giving the Medal of Freedom to Katherine Johnson but incredibly sad, embarrassing and infuriating to think of his inferior, ill-equipped, and mentally unstable replacement who certainly should not make Americans proud.
We can’t let them push us back. We owe it to all of the brave people who fought so hard to get us where we are today civil rights, women’s rights, LGBT rights - all of it.
We must NOT let them push us back. Resist and fight.
Trump: In 2015, she was not a Hillary Lover; now she is. That changes everything. Besides she is now a 1 or even -1; the absolute worst.
He can explain that. He’s a hypocritical asshole.
While Donald Trump may not have had kind words for 3-time Oscar winner Meryl Streep after her speech railing against him at the Golden Globes Sunday night, he was singing a different tune as recently as 2015.
“You always want to go by what comes out of his mouth rather than look at what’s in his heart.”
It’s not politics, it’s abysmally narcissistic, hypocritical and childish behavior.
OR allow me to put it in a way to help you understand, "It’s nOT poLItics, it’s abySMally narciSSistic, hypocriTICal and chilDISh behavior. "
Eustace pranks us all the time. You should get to know him; he’s really cool,
Thant’s a long time ago for someone whose attention span is only as long as his pinky.
I don’t know if I should say " He got ya " … or " You got him " ! …
It must really be aggravating to be forced to use BOTH hands on a 4" penis …
That’s too nuanced for Bad Ghost to understand. Try changing “behavior” to “bEHaviOr” and he’ll probably get it.