Chaffetz suffers from a common disease called “selective outrage.” For him it would seem there is no cure.
This guy reminds me of a Dr Seus character… I am just not sure which.
Anyways we are sure that after talking talking no-ethics with the president Chaffetz was not going to find anything wrong with this.,
Uhhhh, misuse of the peoples POTUS twitter account for his family’s revenge is a BIG FUCKIN DEAL
Right, no bigs. It’s not like he’s going after donors to the GOP.
Get a life, the only people that are mad about this don’t look as good as Ivanka in the dresses. I mean women can be so catty.
[quote=“sjk, post:4, topic:51126, full:true”]
Uhhhh, misuse of the peoples POTUS twitter account for his family’s revenge is a BIG FUCKIN DEAL
[/quote]Damn straight. And those people at Nordstrom’s who made this decision will know how big of a deal it is when the IRS and the FBI come after them. I don’t think he’s just using twitter. Trump is beyond anything seen in this country thus far.
Bootlicker Chaffetz:
”I think most people can relate to the fact that a father, a doting father with very successful children is going to look after those children.”
Fun Fact:
Titles for North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il included “Dear Father”, “Father of the Nation”, “Beloved Father”, and “Father of the People”.
Tawk amongst yourselves…
Look, this is real simple. You’re not supposed to use the god-damn Presidency as a marketing platform to sell a bunch of downmarket crap like if Jimmy Carter had had a can of Billy Beer in his hand whenever he was photographed or something. That tweet went out on the POTUS account after it was on Trump’s personal one. Everything this man does betrays a total, utter lack of understanding that this is unheard-of blatant corruption. It’s also just incredibly tacky and makes this nation a laughingstock. And Chaffetz is a hypocritical weasel for whom hell isn’t hot enough but that sure isn’t news.
Chaffetz is a worm. No insult to real worms intended.
The fact that Chaffetz can’t see the difference between elected officials “tweeting about which hamburgers you like” when you’re not the parent of the freaking burger chain owner! and using the office of the presidency to chastise a company for dropping your daughter/wife’s line of shitty products, belie his incompetence and unfitness for the office he holds and committee he chairs… but then it’s not like this is the first time that’s happened to him.
Trying to “normalize” what isn’t normal…same for the true things mean more than the untrue things…same attempt at normalizing the baboons behavior…we need jane goodall…
This was the guy that said he could not look his daughter in the eye and support Trump after the Hollywood Tape scene. So two weeks later he solved the problem by simply not looking in her eye, so turning a blind eye to bizarre and unethical actions apparently comes easily to Chaffetz.
Maybe his daughter can get a job with Ivanka.
Rumor has it, that when in the throes of passion, Chaffetz doesn’t scream “Oh God”.
He screams “BENGHAZI”.
And yet he still wants to investigate Hillary Clinton over Clinton Foundation…er, well, whatever aspersions he can cast on the Clintons.
Really, if it was a Democrat doing any of the things Trump is doing the Republicans would be calling for an impeachment trial. It’s so craven and disgusting how much they are putting the party in front of morality and the nation.
Next up an investigation of Elizabeth Warren - Pocahontasgate
It was hard to notice him …really …
He was that pile by the door …left by the Bigly Bigly Doggly —
The Cat in the Hat .REFUSED . to pick him up –
a doting father with very successful children
They were born with nothing. And they all became successes, despite their many hardships, through endless toil and hard work. It’s a tough, cruel world. But they made it! They pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, just like Comrade Coir Coif himself. And now all of Manhattan — indeed, the World! — loves and admires them for their grit, determination and selfless dedication to their fellow man. Every one of them is nothing less than a latter-day saint.
At the end of the interview, did Chaffetz say “but, but, Hillary! Benghazi! Emails! Shiny objects! Hillary! Hillary!”?
We need to start letting media outlets know that we will no longer watch them if they book these ethically bankrupt people. No, I will not watch if you book Conway. No, I will not watch if you book Chaffetz. No, I will not watch Spicer. I will not watch people who have sold their integrity for political gain. We must not reward this behavior. Not from the brazenly unethical, the media who gives them an outlet, or the advertisers who pay the bills.
OT: A PA state senator has something to tweet to trump…
“Why don’t you try to destroy my career you fascist, loofa-faced, shit-gibbon!”
My conversations with regular, non-political people lead me to believe that Trump’s daily antics are not going over well. Just saying.
Jason must have a memory problem …
donnie makes the Bestest Bigly Deals —
Somebody’s got something on his ass … NO ONE can naturally be this obfuscous without being afraid of something —
Him…Ryan …McStretchy … SOMETHING