Discussion: Chaffetz Says He Set Up Viewing Room For Unedited Planned Parenthood Videos

Discussion for article #241781

Carly Fiorina will be there to point out the stillborn baby.


What a little passive-agressive putz he is. No WONDER we get nothing done in Congress when all they want to do is play with their revenge porn.


He said the videos will not now be released to the public “out of an abundance of caution to ensure the safety and security of all individuals recorded.”

Chaffetz continued, “Besides, if we release the videos and the public sees that we Republicans have fallen for yet another massive fraud and that we’ve spent millions of taxpayer dollars pursuing what we knew to be a massive fraud, voters might get angry. We don’t need that kind of thing going into an election year.”


He just doesn’t understand how that dog won’t ever hunt


So, they launched an investigation before watching the videos, eh? Shocking! So what, exactly, was the official reason for launching the investigation?


"He said the videos will not now be released to the public “out of an abundance of caution to ensure the safety and security of all individuals recorded. to ensure that neither the MSM nor anybody else in the public sphere gets their hands on them, tests them for their veracity or otherwise exposes any tricks and bullshit contained therein before the GOP/Teatrolls can present it on the public record during congressional hearings as though they are uncontested, truthful, credible and not in any way manipulated or fallacious, etc.”


Well, the official reason we launched this fraudulent investigation into what we damn well knew were fraudulent videos is because we thought ‘hey, maybe this time we’ve finally got an opportunity to take down PP’. It’s not that we’ve really got an issue with PP, they save us a ton of money in tax dollars, it’s just that they support the Democrats, so we have to reflexively hate them. That’s the official reason.

-Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy


Why are so many of these guys just plain circus ugly?


Their parents beat them with the ugly stick when they weren’t beating them with the stupid stick.


I don’t believe he’d ever say that. Far too many big words. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


So when will the makers of these videos be testifying to authenticate the videos (a legal requirement for their admission in any court proceeding) and testify regarding their production, etc.?


That smirk validates Chafffetz’ inclusion in TBOGG’s hysterical “The 13 most punchable faces in America”:

Owner of punchable face: Jason Chaffetz

Occupation: Dullard, Benghazi truther, pot scold, stupidest member of the House of Representatives.

The face: A viscous mudslide of simple-mindedness and bovine incomprehension.

Crimes against humanity: Because he is a sweaty professional climber, Chaffetz has ascended to the top of the GOP shitpile in Congress despite the fact that he is dumber than a sack of Louis Gohmerts. It is quite possible that he suffered brain damage while playing football at BYU, but unlikely since he was a kicker and they’re barely athletes.


When I was a child, my mother always said, “Pretty is as pretty does.”

When you walk around with a black soul inside, you end up ugly all over.


“… out of an abundance of caution…” so that in case something goes amiss, none of your staff get their assets sued? Gimme a break! And… “unedited” videos received from people willing to edit in the first place, without bothering to mention the utter fabrication they committed until they were caught at it? Pull the other one…

Hey, Chaffetz! why don’t you bet your committee chairmanship on the outcome? If Planned Parenthood is never convicted within six months in a court of law of any crime associated with this incident, you’ll quit your chairmanship and then resign your seat in Congress. How about it? GOPers are big on doubling down; here’s your chance…


The group announced Tuesday that it would no longer charge anything for the tissue.

…which prompted the organization that released the videos to say, “If they weren’t doing anything wrong, why did they stop?”

It never ends with these people, and it won’t end until all women are gone.


Are you certain that wasn’t “Petty is as petty does?” Because petty is what Jason Chaffetz is all about.


Yeah, I don’t get the whole “abundance of caution” thing.


This checks out!

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So they could send tearful pleas to wingnuts to “help us fight for the lives of these precious li’l babies.”

And put a big DONATE! button at the bottom.