Ewwwwwwwwww. I’m pretty sure I do not want to see inside that kimono.
you’re going to have to open up your kimono and show everything,
This already happened for Trump when those statues of him showed up last week
These guys. Even when the suggestion is right and proper, the phrasing—“open up your kimono”—is just so piggish and stupid you can’t believe it. Which is it, Jason? A lifetime of porn, or regular visits to a message parlor? Pig.
Paging Dr. Chaffetz. Elderly white male. Crash and burn victim, apparently wearing only a kimono.
“Open up your kimono,” is this some foreshadowing of the Republican’s answer to N.C.'s HB2? Will we all have to wear kimonos to get into public restrooms?
So Ms. Chaffetz, what will your position on the Drumpfster Fire be when he doesn’t comply with your suggestions?
No change? No shit.
Is ol’ Jason Chafing saying that Trump might not be filthy rich and immortal?
I love it when terrible people fight
This is the more accurate, open kimono shot of Drumpf as it shows where most of his thinking, and speech, comes from.
“If he doesn’t release his tax returns, I don’t know if anyone cares or if it’s gonna have any effect,” Priebus said Friday on “Fox and Friends.”
Van Susteren pressed Trump, asking why he is unwilling to release tax returns that are no longer under audit, even if he still refuses to publicize his most recent documents.
"Most people don't care about it," Trump responded. "I’ve had very, very little pressure."
The list of people disagreeing with Trump’s assertion “Nobody cares about seeing my tax returns” seems to grow daily. “Nobody” is a dwindling constituency.
What is Chaffetz’s game here?
Right, he is a pig. And the premise of his whole statement is that HRC has not released sufficient medical information for the already begun Benghazi like campaign to say she is medically unfit because she is cleaning Trump’s clock.
He probably figures they can only force Hillary into disclosing more medical records if Donnie cooperates and shares his…
He probably also figures that Hillary will have more “bad” stuff in her medical records than Donnie does.
My bet is that it is the other way around…otherwise Donnie wouldn’t have gotten some lame-ass charlatan to sign his fake-o self-written letter, while Hillary’s actual GP did hers.
Trump’s going to lose and look badly doing it. Some pols want to be able to rise from the smoldering wreckage and stake claim to conducting the next election correctly, with a candidate holding true to GOP values. Many hope 4 years from now they will be that candidate. Having the stink of being a 2016 cheerleader for Trump wafting about you won’t help in grabbing the mantle of being the true conservative needed in 2020. And being a good soldier in the world of politics is vastly overrated, what with everyone else swimming in the same cesspool of ego and self interest and singleminded preoccupation with the brass ring of the Oval Office.
Look inside a kimono? Where does that come from? What a strange thing to say, I would like this idiot Chaffetz to explain because I can’t stand him for many many reasons and perhaps he could explain and I will dislike him even more. Sex tourism for boys in Thailand?
Chaffetz needs a gate in Trump’s stone wall so he can get at the Clinton Foundation and HRC medical records.
I can’t believe people are taking pictures of that…