Discussion: Chaffetz Agrees With Graham That Latest Benghazi Report 'Full Of Crap'

And as surely as the sun rotates around the earth, as all heavenly bodies do…and by-gosh Galileo wrong too, I tell ya.

You say geocentrism, I say heliocentrism…So let’s call the whole thing off. :musical_note:
Really. No biggie…its all just semantics, right?


“I know Trey Gowdy and the select committee will get to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth,” Chaffetz said. “I think it’s fair to wait and see what that committee comes up with.”

And if Gowdy's report arrives at the same conclusions, well, there will just have to be another committee formed, and another, and another, until one finally declares Hillary is the Anti-Christ and has no business being in the Oval Office. Then Benghazi will be put to rest.

I wonder whether either Chaffetz or Lindsey, the Southern Belle, read the report. I thought the investigation and the report were excellent.


birds of a feather

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Chaffetz, Graham ‘Full Of Crap’

Truer words.



HRC would still be declared the winner.



Chaffetz is worried that his new committee chairmanship won’t matter if Benghazi isn’t a big issue.

He must have been planning on using it to make his national profile larger—although why he wants his reputation as a brainless buffoon to be bigger remains a mystery.


Too late.
Matt Groening already did.
Well, in about 1000 years.



And when Gowdy’s committee comes to exactly the same conclusions, I’m sure they will be willing to accept the report. Not. Lindsay Graham can kindly shove it up his rectum; he’ll find plenty of “crap” up there.


Ah, but you’re asking Lindsey to do something he’ll enjoy immensely.


Pardon my ignorance, but hasn’t the GOTP been in control of the House since like 2010?


Don’t worry HOWDY GOWDY will get to the truth. SURE he will. In what decade?


Good-Let’s spend anther 2,000 hours and another shitpot full of money.


Miss Thang’s “Full of crap” logic has become contagious!


Your pith aims true. But it’s expected, even factored in to the thinking, and simply bounces off or gets absorbed by its target.

I’m more interested in why what Graham and Chavetz are saying is in fact true, why they can not just get away with saying it, but how and why it advances the Republican agenda that it gets said - which, IMO, involves a different truth, one that’s only partly truthiness because it’s partly true.

As to YOUR truth, we all here know it doesn’t matter to them whether you, and me, and the several hundred thousands or more others with TPM (and Atrios and Pierce and all such) bookmarked at the top of our home page thinks. What matters is what “the American public” thinks - the AP being the relative minority of customers the GOP can maintain and sustain and keep hovered in a place between contented and stimulated to animate to vote at election time, AND the larger mass of far more amorphous potential voters they have to depress and suppress to deliver Victory to their customers. The first group are who this is said for, because it’s THAT group that goes into this process WANTING to reject this committee report, for any reason. Denouncing the report as “crap” is adequate to serve that sort of motivated reasoning … unless there’s a TOTAL LACK of actual “crap” in or about the report, which total lack makes Graham et al appear refuted in that community.

As to the truth of Graham and Chavetz, it has to be understood that they’re able to say this with confidence and impunity because they KNOW - since they’ve taken sufficient interest to rise above the reflexive dismissiveness of Heulskamp’s rank and file of white bigots and supremacists, as well as the Congressional circus clowns (Bachmann, Gohmert, King et al) - of two ACTUALLY huge flaws in the report (at LEAST two, since we peons on view the Village from a distance and with colored filter glasses on), neither of which is likely to be refuted by anyone on the committee or at all or at all effectively by the Democratic caucus

  1. the undeveloped role of the CIA including in particular the totally non-developed role of CIAD Petraeus in Benghazi Sunday Shows Talking Points Gate, and

  2. the systemic destabilization of State Department foreign offices and outposts by Congress since at least 1994 and by every administration going back to Reagan’s first.

There’s too much nuance in those two truths to gain purchase on either the GOP Base or the vast majority of non-Base voters in presidential years, plus the administration of this day and every one prior starting with Reagan’s is too compromised and otherwise unwilling and unable to make them out as truths, and even if the latter could it’s too costly a case to make in too brief a time to make it.

For the purposes of Graham and Chavetz and the GOP more generally, it doesn’t matter that the “crap” part of the report lies in failure to address those two truths; all that matters is that there’s some factual basis for asserting the report has crap on it.

The only thing full of crap is the Republicans and their witch hunts. How many hundreds of millions as been wasted on these investigations to nowhere never mind the millions wasted voting on bills for four years they knew would never make it? Yeah but we don’t have money for people’s needs but plenty for wasting.


The GOP insanity defense: we will continue to waste time / money until we get the report we want- facts don’t matter - they can be changed to suit our narrative.


December??? Congress doesn’t work in December, silly little girl. Of course, that also goes for January, February, March, April, May…etc., etc.


Or until Hllary wins the Presidency in 2016, this is entirely about something to hang around her neck and whip up their base, nothing more.


Chaffetz is clearly violating of Reagan’s Ten Commandments. I think John Boehner should file a lawsuit against Chaffetz and Linsdey.