Discussion: CENTCOM Twitter Account Apparently Hacked

Discussion for article #231941

Oh brother. I can’t wait for Miss Lindsey’s breathless screed on this one. $10 says “this raises serious questions about the safety and security of the US government’s computer systems under Obama, especially our military and intelligence systems.”

Except, you know, this is entirely Twitter’s fucking fault.


I’m a Democrat, it’s not my military, just like Obama is not their president.

OHBUmmer COZIES up to GAY maRRY as ISIS TERRoriZe’s the TWItter ACcount OF the HOMELAND


Let me guess. Their password was probably PASSWORD.

Maybe God.

Why does CENTCOM have a Twitter account? That’s ridiculous. Second, it’s probably some kids messing around. What possible good would come from hacking this twitter account other than a laugh?

“Why does CENTCOM have a Twitter account?”

A very good question. They apparently also have a Youtube channel. WTF? Facebook page? Hotmail accounts? I naively believed our military had their own communications systems, and used them.