It’s almost like they thought they could get away with it…
They haven’t failed yet… but let’s hope they do
Guilty, guilty, guilty!!! Sessions and Ross need to be behind bars.
Guess you better not leave DC just yet, Jeffy.
Yeah, see, Beauregard, the problem now is that you’re a FUCKING PRIVATE CITIZEN.
Due process of law sucks, doesn’t it?
Wow, just wow. I had no idea that Sessions and Ross were so incompetent. Fehrman (the Judge) is P.O.ed as DOJ has repeatedly lied to him, and with testimony like this, his opinion should be a barn-burner…
BTB, the trial is over. Closing arguments are Nov 27. Good run down on the testimony is here:
Sessions should have been fired for this misconduct.
Turns out whatever little bit that was admirable in Jeff Sessions was…well little.
Watch trump and his people use all the shady things sessions did at trump’s command as a retcon justification for why he had to be fired.
This former AG needs to be LOCKED UP on multiple perjury charges!
Yeah he should.
I believe correct measurement is teeny tiny.
I expect that several house committees are reserving a special seat for him for after the beginning of the year.
O what a lovely thought!!!
On the bright side, maybe the incomparable Kate McKinnon can continue to do her interpretation of little Jeffrey on SNL?
I imagine the possum-elf will pop up from time to time. hahahaha She is incomparable, you’re so right.
The expressed purpose of the Republican Party is to deny the voting rights of millions of American citizens, including our sons and daughters serving in the military overseas.
This is incredible! Sessions should be jailed for this meddling (oh right, that word, meddling, is a disgrace!). Meddling is what your Aunt Susie does over the backyard fence.
Sessions intrusion into the workings of the census is inexcusable.
Useful idiot 2