Discussion: Census Memo: Adding Citizenship Question Will Cost At Least $27.5M

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$27.5 million is a small price for our vile Repuglican “leaders” to buy the corruption of the democratic process and to disenfranchise people living here from being represented.

This corruption must be stopped!


Mr. Habermann stated that he believed the ‘burden of proof” for getting a question added to the Decennial Census is on the person who proposes it.

Unless that person is part of the current admin. Free pass to add whatever they want.

I mean, seriously, who will stop them?


Taxpayer money? What’s the problem?


The original question they wanted to add was, “Do you support Donald J. Trump, President?”.


These guys slipped in the request for this question at a point when it was too late to do any testing on it, and then have the nerve to turn around and say, “Well, there’s no data to show that the question would affect the response.”

I’d like to think that would not fly for a second with any judge that hears this, but the Rethugs seem to have done a pretty good job of stocking the courts with lackeys willing to do anything to please their overlords.


That’s much more than the cost of Mueller’s investigation. Not only that, but the dividends from that investigation will be priceless as opposed to this moronic idea.


$30 million sounds like a piddling investment to redirect the flow of billions in taxpayer money. Especially when it’s other people’s money.


Fiscal conservatives here they go! :expressionless:



That $27.5 million could buy a lot of First Class travel for more than a few deserving cabinet members.


$27.5 million Kansas has got this, right? Or Kansas’s AG office? Or just Kobach?


He can put it on his state-issue credit card like he did his court fees.


In the picture at the top of this article, Ross is plugging his ears and saying “Nyah, nyah, nyah, I can’t hear you!” when presented with scientific evidence of the cost and uselessness of this question.


When I add an extra question to a survey, it can run around 25 million or so, they got that right. NOT! It is incredible that these idiots are even thinking about this. They’ll get crappy data because of non- responses or high error rate in responses, it won’t reflect the districts and monies will not go where they are needed, OUR TAX MONIES will not go where they are needed. Please! Reflect on this circus-like procedure they are thinking about and ax the idea of the citizenship question.

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$27.5 million?

Scott Pruitt blows that on cosmetics and airfare monthly.

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I think we should start a national campaign to get everyone to ignore the citizenship question.

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What can I say?

Why spend $27.5 million when the Russians can cook the books for $7 million or so?

…John M. Abowd, census chief scientist and associate director for research and methodology …

“Scientist! We don’t need no stinking scientist!” says this administration.

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Wilbur Ross is a fucking retard

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