I still maintain the absolute highlight of the Stormy-60 Minutes episode was this exchange between Steve Kroft and the Milwaukee Bucks’ Giannis Antetokounmpo :
Kroft: How many steps does it take you to get down the court?
Antetokounmpo: You mean the whole thing?
Kroft: Yes.
Antetokounmpo: Six.
Am I right or am I right?
More people tuned in to Dump’s mistress then Dump.
“More people watched the Daniels interview than watched the 2016 ‘60 Minutes’ interview with President-elect Trump and his family…”
Well, sure, but Trump will easily eclipse her audience when they finally air his synchronized urology video.
“This was the largest audience to ever witness the adult film star, period, both in person and around the globe.”
“CBS: Stormy Daniels Interview Gives ‘60 Minutes’ Its Biggest Audience In Decade,”
That’s “The failing 60 Minutes,” CBS.
And the televised perp-walk out the doors at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW is going to shatter all the records.
CBS: Stormy Daniels Interview Gives ‘60 Minutes’ Its Biggest Audience In Decade
Everybody wanted to see Stormy with her clothes on…
Male Trumpanzee response: “Damn, Just as soon as I win the lottery, I’m gonna buy me some sex with a porn star.”
Losing the ratings war is the thing that will drive him even more batshit insane. lol
No, even worse. He can’t publicly claim that he “did her”.
WOW that is about 21,500,000 more people that showed up for the shitshow on it’s inaugeration day.
That has to hurt. lol
That profile was so nice to see for so many reasons. That young man seems unique for sure.
22 million. Wow. That’s a lot of very terrible people all watching the same Fake News at the same time on the same failing news magazine show on an awful washed-up network…
“If that figure holds, it would mean more people watched the Daniels interview than watched the 2016 “60 Minutes” interview with President-elect Trump and his family on Nov. 13, 2016.”
If that doesn’t get the twitter thumbs working, I’m not sure what will.
Aww. Her audience was bigger than his!
People were gonna watch it no matter how badly they tried to edit it or how lame Anderson Cooper came across. It came just after a major March Madness B-ball game and it was hyped for two weeks. Just wish they could’ve given us a tiny bit more on how Stormy scolded widdle Donnie for being a bad widdle boy before they had sex. Shit, Don Hewitt would have…
Consider this: Right now, maybe our greatest American Hero is a Porn Star willing to risk everything to bring down our Russian Asset “President”. Cray
Ha, ha…great trolling.
He not only lost the ratings war to Stormy Daniels – yesterday’s 22.06 million is fewer than the 24.5 million who tuned in to see Barack and Michelle Obama in November, 2008.
Donald J. Trump is a loser.