Discussion: CBS: Stormy Daniels '60 Minutes' Interview Needs More Work Before It Airs

No. Because Cohen very explicitly did not sign for Trump either in the secret agreement using pseudonyms or in the doublesupersecret side agreement unmasking the parties.

To sign for Trump, as his agent or attorney in fact, he would have had to have actually signed on the lines provided for “DD” in the secret agreement or for Trump in the doublesuperdupersecret side agreement with some indication he was signing for another with legal authority to do so.

The Trump lines are conspicuously blank in both.

On a side note, I do find it perplexing that the guy who lis alleged to like pee shows is “DD” and the woman with the huge fake boobs is PP.” Makes one suspect Cohen embedded a passive aggressive clue as to the nature of the photos and video and why he was so anxious to hide them.


It’s the little things, right?


I suppose none of this matters if CBS’ legal department signs off on broadcasting what they have recorded with Daniels, along with whatever intel they have independent of her story. She certainly told 60 Minutes everything she’d want disseminated. At that point Trump sues AND says the entire broadcast is a pack of lies and distortions, all fruit of the poisoned tree of an NDA violation to boot. The same 60% that believes the worst about him will have their suspicions yet again confirmed. The same 40% that would remain loyal after he beheaded an infant on live television will still stand with him.

Those signatures are affixed to an unrevealed addendum. Trump will produce it at trial.

Photo-documentation may chip away some of that 40%. They will slink away to their pews and go back to not voting.

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CBS has already been kowtowed. Had they any balls the interview would’ve aired last Sunday.

Well, there’s the other problem. Trump can’t admit he’s a party but he can’t enforce the agreement if he doesn’t.


When people are prescient …

He comes on smooth, cool and kind,
But he wants your body not your mind.
He’s got style, personality,
But he’s the devil in reality.
He’ll make you laugh, make you smile,
And make you feel good for a while.
Wicked smile, decadent grin,
He likes school girls, nuns and virgins.

His skin is soft but his mind is hard,
He’ll lead you on then he’ll tear you apart.
He’ll treat you rough and he will make you cry,
And you will kiss sweet innocence good-bye.
And once you’re in there’ll be no getting out,
So look out, look out, look out, look out.

He’s evil. He’s evil. He’s evil. He’s evil. He’s evil.
He’s evil. He’s evil. He’s evil. He’s evil. He’s evil.

He’s got wit, he’s got charm.
But when he gets rough he’ll break your arm.
He’s got taste, manners and grace,
But when he gets tough he’ll slit your face.
He’ll buy you jewels, expensive clothes,
Then his mind’ll go and he’ll bust your nose.
He’s a joker and a clown
But he’ll pervert you and drag you down.

He comes on smooth, cool and kind,
But he wants your body not your mind,
He is just the devil in disguise.
He will drag you down and he will make you cry,
And once you’re in there will be no getting out.

So look out, look out, look out.
Look out, look out, look out.

He’s evil. He’s evil. He’s evil. He’s evil. He’s evil.
He’s evil. He’s evil. He’s evil. He’s evil. He’s evil.

Hearing Trump’s actual voice on the Access Hollywood tapes did little to dissuade their support. I’d rank that recording as nearly on par with whatever Daniels has. Yet his supporters cared not he’s a confessed groper and purveyor of sexual harassment. I really do fear this has all evolved to a point there is literally nothing he could stand accused of and have proven that will initiate his downfall, or a loss of support with his base. Murder, bribery, treason, pedophilia. He is their instrument to undo the last 60 years of progress on many fronts. He holds forth the promise of making it 1950 again, and the base is loathe to let that fall from their grasp.


CBS got burned by fake (or reconstructed or possibly just typed on a typewriter with a rare superscript “th” character) documents once. If they have photos, vid or documents, they’re going to need to go above and beyond to prove they aren’t fake. Because the 101st Chairborne are ready and waiting.


Everything Dan and the CBS crew turned up turned out to be true. It wasn’t until the old lady, the “secretary” (was paid off) came forward to dispute the “typeface” that it all came apart. Everything — Everything! — else was true.

It was a great lesson in how the high and mighty are always above of mortal law.


The typeface thing was discovered by a conservative lawyer blogger doing instant sleuthing. Probably in his bathrobe.

CBS knows that there is an army out there waiting to do a pixel by pixel examination of everything the put out and they’re going to be damn careful about that.


I still think the “So sue me” defense is CBS’ “Get Out of Jail” free card. And a ratings bonanza!

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Maybe it’s because they don’t want this to become another Rathergate? Even though the story was true/

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I watched the Richard Engel specail report on the Trump Panama building a couple months ago. It makes Trumps “interviews” with DOJ prosecuters and that shady NYC procecutor who dropped the case against the Trump children all that more frustrating.

Agree with your analysis. Also: (1) settlement agreements usually have to be signed by the actual parties; and (2) an attorney must advise a client of any settlement offers and negotiations.

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They (his base) can go back to the 1950s. I’m not going back – and neither is the majority of us.

The trend in the composition of State legislatures says otherwise.


So CBS is folding. And the authoritarian regime of Trump/Putin continues to build up steam, what with whitewashes and purges.