[quote]When asked again about how Pence voted, Trump said, “He’s entitled to make a mistake every once in a while.”
“But she’s not,” Stahl clarified, referring to Clinton.
“She’s not. No, she’s not,” Trump said.[/quote]
“Cuz she’s a girrrl!”
(Sorry, I don’t have anything else. Other than SMH.)
That’s OK. Neither does Trump.
I guess his excuse is “My running mate is really dumb, therefore okay.” He doesn’t bother trying to explain the contradiction because it’s beyond explanation.
“Many people have, and frankly, I’m one of the few that was right on Iraq,” Trump said in response.
In the interview, which took place on Sept. 11, 2002, Stern asked Trump directly if he was for invading Iraq.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Trump responded. “I wish the first time it was done correctly.”
Trump’s comments on Stern are more in line with what he wrote in his 2000 book, The America We Deserve, where he advocated for a “principled and tough” policy toward “outlaw” states like Iraq.
“We still don’t know what Iraq is up to or whether it has the material to build nuclear weapons. I’m no warmonger,” Trump wrote. “But the fact is, if we decide a strike against Iraq is necessary, it is madness not to carry the mission to its conclusion. When we don’t, we have the worst of all worlds: Iraq remains a threat, and now has more incentive than ever to attack us.”
side-note: a reminder as to why W’s daddy stopped at Kuwait’s borders.
Refreshing honesty from Cheeto Jesus, accidental though it was. I wonder if he sees the contradiction.
All the shouting voices in his orange-thatched dome concur…“No contradiction! Cuz Crooked Hillary!”
Did you notice how he kept talking over Stahl so she couldn’t make her point and show what a total hypocrite he is? I’ve seen the clip and he looks like a fool not getting away with his usual con games. He does that so often its a wonder more people don’t stop him in his tracks and demand an answer when he contradicts himself…sometimes while making a statement within the same sentence.
This is the perfect metaphor for what this GOP ticket is about…
March 21, 2003: Neil Cavuto of Fox Business interviews Trump about the impact of the Iraq war on the stock market. Trump says the war “looks like a tremendously success from a military standpoint,” and he predicts the market will “go up like a rocket” after the war. But Cavuto does not ask Trump whether the U.S. should have gone to war with Iraq and Trump doesn’t offer an opinion.
Also from that Factcheck post
Trump, July 1, 2003: I never did run [in 2000] and I probably never will run. But we’re having a lot of fun. I think the president is doing a very good job. I would love to see New York City and some of the cities and some of the states get some of the money that`s going toward Iraq and other places, because you know, they really need and it they need it badly.
As an aside, Trump, who lives in New York, was asked by Matthews who he would vote for in a hypothetical 2008 race between two New Yorkers: then-Sen. Hillary Clinton, a Democrat, or former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a Republican. Trump refused to answer. Twice Trump said, “Don’t ask me that question.”
I checked and yeah he backed McCain in '08. Here’s Buzzfeed as to why…
Cheeto Jesus! Love it. Nearly pissed myself laughing. You should trademark it.
Drumpf has Scott Baio as a speaker for the RNC three-ring circus. His “Crappy Days” reunion would be incomplete without “The Fonz.” Sadly, no “Fonz.”
Sorry, Fonz. Drumpf has jumped far more than two sharks. He’s jumped an ocean of sharks.
It’s obvious! It counts for Hillary, because she’s running for president. Pence is an afterthought who will be placed in a utility closet in a (shudder) Trump presidency.
@yail_bloor Winkler is a Bernie bro. And I think Donnie Boy didn’t jump sharks so much as diddle them., bringing piscine STDs to real America lol.
@hair2play Cheeto Jesus was created & trademarked by a GOP political analyst.
@phlebas there’s an Upton Sinclair quote about how you make your money affects your cognitive and perceptual skills but cant link from mobile just now
Duck Dynasty? Is he the expert on gay marriage positions?
I got nothing. Trump’s words speak for themselves – very clearly for those of us listening. Anyone–and I mean anyone–who trusts this man to have their back or the best interests of our nation is either lying to themselves or seriously delusional.
Also, when will the press let Trump stop saying, “I opposed the war.” There’s a tape of him on Howard Stern saying he supported the war. Geeeez.
How could you not notice but this is what he does. Richard Wolff from the Hollywood Reporter said the same thing. I don’t think the visuals were very good. Those close ups were quite telling
I give Lesley Stahl an E for Effort but what is wrong with these reporters? She had many opportunities to get under his skin snd she let it slide.
inversion, excerpts from Donald’s books are proof positive that they were written by someone else…