Thanks a Trillion, TRUMP!
A determined reporter should follow McConnell and Paul Ryan around 24/7 and asked them to defend deficit projection. If they dismiss the numbers because they doubt the CBO’s credibility, they should be asked why they accepted CBO scores in previous administrations. In my fantasy world, this would happen AND McConnell and Ryan would be humiliated.
I think you meant to say: Thanks, Obama.
Uh oh. Bet they weren’t expecting that until 2021.
No. Donnie Small Hands’ tax cuts are the cherry on top.
The solution? Undermine the credibility of the CBO.
Nobody knew tax cuts would impact the deficit, ok?
More tax cuts! The solution to every problem is more tax cuts.
Meanwhile … back at tRump tower …
the housekeeping staff cleans up another mess –
Most of that trillion is from Pruitt’s security detail, travel expenses, and doors, is it not?
Solution? Eliminate Social Security for all except registered Republican voters!
First of all the picture makes it look like he gives a crap. He doesn’t. Second of course, it’s OK if you’re a Republican.
don’t worry, they’ll find some way to blame obama or some other dark-skinned scapegoat.
Who knew tax cuts would lead to this?
Yep, they’ll claim “illegal immigrants” are getting healthcare, food, and shelter on the public dime.
Nah, He’s just fixing his hair.
And, right on schedule . . .
More winning! So much winning.