A republican lies about the budget. Color me completely not shocked or surprised.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Thursday that President Donald Trump’s budget plan won’t curb the spiraling deficit as it claims.
Reality wins out over pie-in-the-sky promises that had no basis in any kind of rational economic analysis. What a shock.
I’m shocked, shocked I say.
Well, d-u-u-u-u-h . . .
Remember when Donnie promised not only was he going to balance the budget, that he’d wipe out the national debt, in eight years no less.
Laffer’s curve isn’t malfunctioning at all. It’s doing exactly what the GOP wants it to.
They cut taxes on the rich, and then they’re utterly gobsmacked by the resulting fall in revenue. To which they must respond by cutting domestic programs and reducing taxes further.
“I hereby demand that the DOJ conduct an investigation into the Criminal Deep State Congressional Budget Office that is out to destroy my presidency If what people are saying is true, this would be the second biggest political scandal ever.”
Paul Ryan should be in line for a Nobel Prize in Economics…
How does this story even qualify as news?
Next up: sun expected to set later today; return certain tomorrow.
But our so-called president, Donnie boy, has said repeatedly that debt is good.
The new tax code has generated so many loop holes that they’ll never get the revenue they project. Here is just one example:
Rich Americans Have Found Yet Another Tax Loophole
So what’s new???
Republicans love deficits and debt. Reagan tripled the debt. Clinton taxed the rich, got rid of the debt and created a nice surplus for the Village Idiot, who then created the Great Recession, leaving Obama with trillions in debt, to be added to more debt as Obama decided to put Cheney’s war mongering on the books, raising the debt even further. Republicans screamed. And a the same time falling revenues could barely keep the lights on as there were no decent paying jobs. More debt. The Mega Donor Class (1%) then stepped in - with CASH - and bought up other people’s misery and lost dreams for a nickle on the dollar. And now comes Trump, screaming about all the debt Obama left him. But not to worry, he has a plan.
Debt is good - as long as a bank is holding it, even if it’s in your name. Trump has been doing this his entire business career. Basically, if you’re out of work and owe the bank ten grand, you have a problem. But if you’re out of work and owe the bank $200 grand, the bank has a problem. Debt buys leverage if you can get to big numbers. Trump played this hand all the time.
“Now, I have to tell you, it’s an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew health care disaster relief international diplomacy deficit reductions through massive tax cuts could be so complicated. That’s why I prefer golf.”
— Daycare “I was first in my class at Wharton* so I’m, like, a really smart guy.” Dotard
*Like David Dennison, DD only took a couple of classes from Wharton; grades unkown. He made the Dean’s List exactly zero times and graduated without distinction from UPenn. Sad.
We knew it was bogus before it was passed. CBO analysis has not changed much.
CBO: Trump’s Budget Plan Won’t Curb Spiraling Deficit As Promised
Now there’s a surprise. I feel the need to go lie down…