Discussion: CBO: 'Millions' Fewer With Health Coverage Under Graham-Cassidy Bill


It’s always been millions, Why is this less definitive? Perhaps the bigly unrealistic time crunch imposed by Yertle, Miss Lindsey, Bitch Cassidy, and their reptilian cohorts?


Millions you say? GOP cheers erupt. Confetti flies. Balloons fall. Hands are clutched to strerna. It was a great day.

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This dog ain’t gonna hunt!


Feature, not a bug


That was the point. Hide the negative effects behind uncertain “decisions” by states, when the plan is to give them a lot less money to split among competing constituencies, but hurting blue states a lot more than red states. (Then they use that to try to flip blue states to red!!) In effect, there’s no decision to be made since they cut so much money out of the pie.

The public won’t be fooled, except those that don’t care and just want an R “win” and hate Obama and Obamacare because it’s named after the hated Obama. (BTW – They named it after Obama to generate just that effect.) But reasonable people know that the result of this bill, if it became law, is suffering, bankruptcy and death, all gleefully endorsed by Trump and the Rs just to claim a win and some tax cuts.


It’s dead, Jim.



That picture needs a new caption:
“Senator Lindsey Graham Describes His ‘Dream Lover’ To Fellow Republicans.”

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Collins is a “no.”

Back to the drawing board, with only 4 1/2 days left.


Did anybody who isn’t on life support not realize this would be the result? What, they thought all those 32M people would keep their insurance through block grants and senatorial bribes?
And as they were wheeling out wheelchair-bound protesters out of the Senate building during todays hearings, Senator Bill “Caligula” Cassidy said that no definition is needed for “adequate and affordable” health care.
Oh, yeah. Actions like this are going to drive support for this atrocity right through the fucking roof!


This is exactly what the GWB people were talking about when they dissed the “reality-based” prespective. CBO can’t calculate exactly how many millions will lose coverage, how many other millions will retain nominal coverage that is no use if they get sick. At least not in a week. And the bill will probably morph a few times more before any kind of vote.


Maybe some new bribes. Male strippers? Free weed? Trump steaks? Blowjobs from Miz Lindsey? A titty-shimming dance from Barstool Palin?

Here’s the analysis.


Wouldn’t they want to offer them something they might enjoy? With the exception of the weed, everything you list would require a round of antibiotics.

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The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Sorry but Yeats still said it best.

When will reporters start grilling the Senators “So how many people in your state will lose coverage? How many with pre-existing conditions will not be able to afford their medicines and care? And since Medicaid covers almost half of all pregnancies in the US how will your state choose between the unborn and the already born?”


Though I don’t care as long as that piece of shit gets killed… :expressionless:

I don’t want this to stay in Rand’s hand. We need to hear from Murko.


Never mind. The next crisis is 5 time draft dodger Trump is outraged that Americans won’t worship the flag while police continue to kill and abuse innocent and unarmed citizens. Our brave President hallucinates this into disrespect for our troops - which is hog was! Trump is a disgrace to our troops with his racism and white nationalism.

It’s time to stop the flag ceremonies at sporting events - we’re the only nation that does this and tries to demand patriotism. Patriotism comes from love of country. If we want all demographics to love our nation, then we better end racism!


Cut federal spending by eliminating the healthcare plans for elected officials, the administration and senior staff, and all of Trump’s family.

It’s ridiculous for the CBO to find that cutting Medicaid funding and insurance subsidies will result in millions fewer people with comprehensive health insurance. It should be clear to the CBO that insurance follows the same economic principles as tax revenues under the Laffer theory. The deeper the cuts the greater the number of people who can afford coverage. GOPonomics has never been wrong.