They are waiting to see how well McCain’s bill is paid with his government insurance so they can know whether the Senate plan for everyone else just sucks or really fucking sucks.
Hmmmmmmm…this stinks. On a whole variety of levels.
Nothing suspicious here. Please, move along.
politicalwire reports that a GOP aide has said possibly no CBO score this week.
This makes sense to me. If insurers claim the Cruz amendment is unworkable, how the heck can the CBO analyze and score it?
The CBO is perfectly capable of predicting the collapse of the individual private insurance market, which is what anyone with even a minimal understanding of what insurance is and how it works can see would happen if Cruz’s amendment passed.
McConnell has threatened to stop using the CBO for any legislation.
Ryan has publicly threatened to cut the CBO’s budget.
This is a response to the political pressure to “make it look good” and it takes extra time to put “lipstick on a pig.”
If that’s so CBO is making a suicidal mistake. Its currency and sole asset is credibility. Without that, who needs it?
“We have always been at war with the CBO…”
The CBO staff is recovering from concussions sustained as a result of repeated face-palming incidents that occurred after reviewing each lame iteration of the Senate’s TrumpNoCare legislation.
My bet is that McConnell already knows the CBO score and it is once again devastating. Releasing the score now would spook the GOP ersatz “moderates” and perhaps signal the death of the bill.
Perhaps some kind of snap vote before the score comes out with McCain being wheeled in on a strecher?
Didn’t Einstein once say something pithy about insanity?
Congress has successfully blurred the line between “care” and “insurance coverage”; the two couldn’t be more unrelated. Health care costs are outrageous because the demand for health care is increasing (especially as baby boomers age). Our national health care crisis is mostly due to the American diet (fat, animal protein, sugar, alcohol). Americans can do an enormous amount to heal themselves and not require nearly as much health care as they do now. This isn’t some pie-in-the-sky theory, it’s easily proven and the data is already available to anyone who wants to know.
Watch the following films, put down your doughnuts, your hot dogs, your double cheese burgers, your hot wings and your pizza.
FORKS OVER KNIVES (extending interviews)
All these are available on Netfilx (some are DVD only). The answer to our health care crisis lies squarely within our control. Eat plant-based diets and be willing to do your part in the national effort to get the population healthy; the savings will blow your mind.
With my perennial optimism, I prefer to think (hope) that the CBO was being jammed by McTurtle’s schedule and now has a little breathing room to refine its analysis and make it more accurate.
[quote=“ralph_vonholst, post:11, topic:59148, full:true”]
My bet is that … Perhaps some kind of snap vote before the score comes out with McCain being wheeled in on a strecher.[/quote]
McConnell is reduced to pulling a page out of Ryan’s play book. No CBO score before the vote, to provide the GOP caucus with a little maneuver room
Isn’t this delay just a ruse to avoid releasing bad news too distant from the expected Senate vote? I seriously doubt the CBO will further study the impact of this horrific legislation.
I posted about this on another thread, but its more relevant here:
The reason given for postponing the vote for one week is McCain’s surgery – but its more serious than that. He’s had major brain surgery for a blood clot possibly stemming from a stroke and he’s not coming back anytime soon. Recall his incoherence at the Comey testimony:
How many times do I have to tell you that you can’t polish a turd, Mitch? Ordering the CBO to polish harder isn’t going to work…
Nobody is arguing that people can’t do a better job taking care of themselves but there are lots and lots of problems that have nothing to do with diet.
Go crusade elsewhere, or tell us your plan for making healthy food as affordable as junk like mac and cheese. Until then, you’re just blaming the victim.
I think they need the room to be able to juggle all the various amendments that are being proposed and how that jig-saw would fit together. Regular rules my ass.