Second verse, same as the first.
Throwing millions of people off of insurance – either through pricing healthcare out of reach or other budget-cut chicanery – in order to give tax breaks to the rich is a feature, not a bug.
This is great! They reduced the number losing health insurance from 24 million to 23. Let’s pass 23 more versions until we get that down to 0.
But everyone will have “access” to coverage.
Well to my untrained eye, it looks like the CBO score will allow the GOP to passing Trumpcare through reconciliation if the Senate GOP buckles and takes up the House version.
Ryan, as Lord Farquar, from “Shrek”, “That’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
But, hey - the Republicans are sure hitting their sweet spot for those who will lose coverage.
Fuck that!
I hate these people. I hate these people. I hate these people.
That is all.
23 million uninsured is exactly what the repubs want to here.
They will all vote for this.
These people call themselves Pro-Life??
“Twenty-three million people will lose insurance coverage compared to current law…”
Now that’s the definition of a healthcare “implosion”.
OK Ryan and McConnell, don’t screw up this one. Since it doesn’t add to the budget it can go through reconciliation with simple majority, no excuses for not passing it in the senate. Do it fast we need the repeal bill signed by trump by June 19th, preferably at least a week before that…
the disgusting poor and middle class people die, the rich get a tax break.
Think of all the savings we’ll get because people will be dying off! More me for, dirt nap for thee!
It ought to be said. Trump,Pence and Ryan will cause more harm, pain, suffering and death to Americans than Isis, Al Queda and domestic terrorists combined.
Accept for all those women losing contraception coverage, they’ll just be making more people, with less help and more kids with pre-existing conditions.
$119B savings / 10 yrs / 23 million newly uninsured = $517 / person. So we really could insure people for the cost of an iPhone! The GOP just doesn’t want to.
One step at a time! We’ll get those immoral Jezebels, I promise thee!
The important question is will any republican have the balls to hold a town hall this year?
Should we ask the Dept. of Labor how many health care jobs will be cut with 23 million customers priced out of the market, you know those good old American jobs that can’t be outsourced overseas?