Educated anti-Vaccine crackpots like Rand Paul are truly insane.
Did he use the phrase “Contagious, like Librul Ideology?”
Paul, himself a former self-certified ophthalmologist,
Good Lord – a sensible Republican. Good for him. Too bad there’s not a vaccine to counter general Republican anti-science stupidity. Anti-vaxxers have blood on their hands.
To the shock and consternation of his colleagues, Sen. Cassidy briefly lapsed into rational thought. However close associates sought to put the group at ease.
“He sometimes does this after he eats fish. It’s a damned poser, for sure, but he’ll quickly get over it in time to vote for “wall.””
If a parent withholds medical care or food from their child, we rightly arrest them, lock them up and take the kid away.
Don’t see why vaccinations are any different.
It’s basically legalized child abuse, with the potential for horrific harm and/or death.
Today, Senator Cassidy is off my shit list. I’m sure he’ll be back on it tomorrow, but today is still today.
Credit where credit is due.
REAL doctor speaks AynRand Paul. STFU!
(This is more what Republicans used to look like, driven by facts not ideology. Bet he gets primaried.)
And another 10 year study came out today that concludes vaccines do not cause autism. The science is out there, so all the more reason to stand firm against the “anti-science” dolts that want to cry “freedom of choice” and make up their own “evidence”.
Not only that, but R-LA.
“Now, if you’re such a believer in liberty that you do not wish to be vaccinated, then there should be a consequence, and that is that you cannot infect other people.”
Most of the time these consequences should be imposed on parents.
I know five-year-olds who have a better grasp of “liberty” than Ayn Rand and her acolytes.
Well, after all, she was an indoctrinated Bolshevik agent who was dispatched to destroy democratic capitalism from within.
—Conspiracy Theory #57
BTW, A very large study released today showing no link of MMR vaccine to autism, confirming other studies.
When will anti-vaxers realize it was all based on a retracted Lancet study by a disbarred quack?
The study strongly supports that MMR vaccination does not increase the risk for autism, does not trigger autism in susceptible children, and is not associated with clustering of autism cases after vaccination. It adds to previous studies through significant additional statistical power and by addressing hypotheses of susceptible subgroups and clustering of cases.
“Vaccines Save Lives: What Is Driving Preventable Disease Outbreaks?”
Wanton stupidity.
Only in a formal – and completely empty – sense.
oops. when will I learn to read through the posts?
I wondered about the Christian Scientists and was glad to read this, although some of the real nuts out there continue to tempt fate, I’m sure.
The church does not require that Christian Scientists avoid all medical care—adherents use dentists, optometrists, obstetricians, physicians for broken bones, and vaccination when required by law—but maintains that Christian-Science prayer is most effective when not combined with medicine.[12] Between the 1880s and 1990s, the avoidance of medical treatment led to the deaths of several adherents and their children. Parents and others were prosecuted for, and in a few cases convicted of, manslaughter or neglect.[13]
Religion is dangerous and in many cases, promotes ignorance.
Then let’s start prosecuting the ones who don’t keep their firearms locked away.
@tiowally I heard the Russians have been pushing the anti-vax movement on social media, and morons continue to fall for it. In fact, I read a twitter post by Bill Shine’s wife whining about Jane Mayer’s article. One of the twitter responses complained that dissenting voices weren’t allowed in the Senate hearing!! Not fair! Not fair! Then she linked to a story on Facebook.
Good grief. The stupid burns. Unfortunately, the innocent get burned, too.